Der Film 3: We're Having a Match... Again?

Start from the beginning

Kay: "'Operation Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy'!"

Anzu: "'Operation Anglerfish, Dried potato and Clams'!"

Momo: "President! Don't join them!"

Nishi: "Let's compromise. How about 'Operation Sukiyaki'?"

Maho: "Your favourite food has nothing to do with the operation!"

Katyusha: "Well, what do you suggest?"

Maho: "How's 'Operation Meistersinger von Nürnberg'? It's a three-act oper-"

Katyusha: "Too long!"

Maho: "Commander, please decide."

Miho: "How about 'Operation Bumpy'? We look for the enemy, then we bump into them!"

Erika: "What kind of name is that? It's not imposing at all."

Maho: "Let's go with that."

Erika: "Eh?"

Nishi: "Bumpy... I get it!"

Kay: "Not bad!"

Miho: "Then, Dandelion to the right flank... Morning Glory to the left flank... and Sunflower in the middle!"

Miho: "Operation Bumpy... begin! Panzer vor!"


Azumi: "Your orders, commander."

Alice: "Even though they're just high schoolers, they can put up a good fight. First, take out Pravda and Kuromorimine heavy tanks. Azumi and Rumi's companies will stick with mine, pushing forward in a line. Be aware of enemy flanking movements. Recon tanks, hold your fire even when you spot an enemy."

The Chaffees started driving forward.

Alice: "Everyone, forward."

Rumi: "Rumi here, affirmative!"

Azumi: "Azumi, affirmative, moving forward."

Megumi: "Megumi Company moving forward."

We then get a panning shot of the team advancing. 

Alice: "It will take at least twenty minutes to reach the enemy."


We get a overhead shot of the Ooarai tanks advancing forward in a line, with three different companies split into three lines after a while.

Miho: "This is the Commander; we don't have confirmation of the enemy's movements. Please move carefully."

We see the CV-33 head atop a hill to look for enemy tanks.

Carpaccio: "Duce, your twin tail is blocking my view..."

Pepperoni: "This tank is for two people; I can't see the front!"

Anchovy: "Then get out, Pepperoni!"

Pepperoni: "No way!"

Anchovy: "Then stop complaining!"

Pepperoni: "Can't you just take off that wig?"

Anchovy: "This is real!"

Pepperoni: "Is that so?"

She pulled her hair.

Anchovy: "Ow!"

They stopped and Anchovy pulled out a pair of binoculars.

Anchovy: "I see them! Enemies spotted! They're moving forward slowly in a line."

Maho: "Understood. Commander, Sunflower team is currently at the valley of the hill. I've just sent up an advance party."

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