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podcast with Madison Ulta!

madison walked into the studio and saw simon and jj already sitting in their spots and harry standing in the middle of the room looking at his phone. "hey guys" she said and harry looked up gives her a quick hug to continue staring at his phone so she then walks over to simon and he gives her a hug as well as jj, she takes a seat next to jj and joins in on the conversation, a couple minutes later ethan and vik arrive and they all take their places and get ready to start.


ethan-"no we need to talk about madison's dating life"



ethan-"well if we're going to sit here and talk about ours madison she say something about hers, she literally hasn't been with anyone since we've known her"

ksi-"that's fair"

madison-"ok ok what do you want to know"

harry-"crazyist place you've had sex"

simon-"no no no you don't have to say that"

harry-"okay, how many people"

ethan-"i kinda want to know this"

madison-"i think you should guess"

simon-"ok content"

ksi-"i'm thinking 20"

harry-"no no like 15"


vik-"oh god i'm just going to say 9"

simon-"i feel like there's no good sounding answer but i will also say 9"


ethan-"like ever?"

madison-"i'm not really into the one night stands, i've done it but it's just not my thing"

vik-"that's valid"

harry-"have you been with anyone since you've been here?"

madison-"mmm i kissed that one dude,jj saw him and was making fun of him, but it was at the one club next to that green bakery shop"


madison-"yep, i think danny saw it happen honestly"



madison-"oh no"

simon-"how does it feel to have a number one song in the whole world for a week now"

madison-"don't get me started i will probably cry, but insane like insane insane,thank you vik star 123"

vik-"my pleasure"

harry-"why vik?"

ethan-"harry you don't know"

harry-"know what?"

ethan-"oh bog"

madison-"harry, vik produced it"

harry-"wha- wh- what."


ksi-"drop the album"

madison-"ummm no, not yet"

simon-"what's it called?"

madison-"hmmm.. i will tell you.. if you bleep it out, you will literally have to bleep it out"


madison-"******* , the album is very ******* like the whole album is an anthem for that name"

ethan-"who pisses you off"

madison-"too many"

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