The Cloud (part 4)

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[USS Voyager]

Neelix delivered a meal tray to a table in the mess hall.

„The bantan is a little on the spicy side. Kes grows them herself in the hydroponics garden. Don't eat any of the little pink things and you'll be fine.", Neelix told the crewman and crewwoman who were sitting there.

„All personnel report to stations. Yellow alert.", Chakotay suddenly said over comms.

„Sorry.", the woman said as she got up.

„Excuse me.", the man said and left aswell.

„Now what? Neelix to Chakotay.", Neelix said.

„We're very busy up here, Neelix. What do you need?", Chakotay replied.

„This yellow alert business. I was just starting to serve.", Neelix complained.

„Sorry. We found out that the nebula is actually a life form and we've got to go back in to repair some damage we did to it. Chakotay out.", Chakotay said.

„Go back in? Hello? Well, that's it. I've had it.", Neelix stated.

„Neelix.", Kes tried to stop him.

„No. I'm going to the Captain about this.", Neelix told her.


„Come in.", Kathryn said as the doorbell to her ready room chimed.

„Captain, I understand that this nebula we've discovered is some kind of monster?", Neelix asked as he came in.

„Not a monster, Neelix, but it is a life form.", Kathryn explained.

„Excuse me if I sound crazy, because someone may have been playing a joke on me, but you aren't planning to take us back into the belly of this beast, are you?", Neelix asked.

„No joke.", Kathryn clarified.

„Why?", Neelix wanted to know.

„Because we hurt it, and we have to help it recover.", Kathryn said.

„I did not come on board this ship to be a veterinarian, Captain.", Neelix stated.

„And I thought you were a man of unlimited talents.", Kathryn said.

„I just reached my limit. So if you don't mind, Kes and I will wait on board my little vessel for you to return.", Neelix stated.

„All our crews are busy preparing for this mission. I'm not pulling them off their duties to prepare your ship for launch. And I'm not going drop you off on the side of the road every time we hit a bump. When we finished, if you want to leave that's your business, but for the moment, find yourself a seat with a good view, because just like Jonah and the whale, you're going in.", Kathryn replied.

„Is that final?", Neelix asked.

„Dismissed.", Kathryn told him. He didn't move.

„That's a Starfleet expression for get out.", Kathryn explained.


„Jonah? Whale?", Neelix asked as he stepped back onto the bridge.

„I believe it's an old earth story.", Thalia, who had finally found the strength to return to duty, told him.


„Approaching the perimeter.", Tom said.

„Disengage impulse engines.", Kathryn ordered.

„Impulse engines offline.", Tom replied.

„Engage thrusters one third.", Kathryn said.

„Thrusters engaged.", Tom said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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