"well i have to get ready for quali but ill talk to you later." "good luck george, ill be cheering for you." i walked off blushing slightly after she said that. i was down bad for a girl i just met and that never usually ends well.

After qualifying
Luna pov:

George managed to get p2 in quali while logan got p4 i was so happy for both of them is this was a really good position for the team to be in.

once logan got out the car he immediately found where i was and hugged me. i was so proud of him for managing to get into the top 5 in qualifying for the first time ever. "YOU DID SO GOOD!" i yelled at him. "now all i gotta do is keep this up tomorrow." "i'm sure you'll do great!"

a few minutes later i saw george entering the garage  so i decided to go congratulate him. "george. good job in quali!" "thank you! i think what you said earlier really helped." "well im glad i could help then." i said smiling.

after that george and logan went to go change out of their race suits and then go to a team meeting so i decided i was going to uber home because i was exhausted, i can't even imagine how they must feel right now.

Race day
Luna pov:

me and logan got to the track kind of early so he took extra time to talk to the fans and sign stuff. i was getting more and more used to the crowd each day which im so thankful for because i don't think i could come to a lot races if im just gonna be anxious the whole time.

we got to the garage and logan had to talk to his engineers to make sure everything was looking good so i decided to find george.

i finally found george and walked towards him smiling. "hey george!" "luna! what's got you so happy today?" "i'm just super excited to watch the race today." "yeah i think it's gonna be a good one. who knows i might even win." "i'll be cheering you and logan on from the garage." "well i have to prepare for the race but ill find you after." "good luck george." i said before walking away so he could prepare.

while i was waiting for the race to start i decided to pull out my journal and try to write something. my whole life i've wanted to be a musician but my anxiety has always stopped me from pursuing anything. when i get back to florida after the race my friend bella said she could get me some time in the studio and i decided to take it. i'm never gonna get over my fears if i just sit around doing nothing.

the formation lap was starting so i put my journal away and turned all my attention to the tv. by the time the first lap had finished george had managed to take the lead from max and logan had stayed p4. the race went on pretty steady with no major accidents. by the end of the race george had won and logan had managed to get up to third. the garage went crazy. i was so incredibly proud of both of them.

the team started to make there way to the podium so i followed them there hoping i would be able to see logan and george. after i made my way to the front logan immediately came up and hugged me. "I DID IT." "IM SO PROUD OF YOU." i responded with tears in my eyes. after that george walked up and surprisingly he also hugged me. "congrats on the win george." i said smiling at him. "thank you. i think you might be a good luck charm." "i think you're giving me too much credit here." "maybe, maybe not. guess we'll never know" he said winking at me before walking to the cooldown room.

after the podium celebrations i decided to wait for logan and george to see them before they had to do the team debrief. i saw george first so i went up to talk to him "you did really good today george." "hopefully i can keep it up for the whole season." "i think if anyone can do it it would be you." "you're too kind. hey i was wondering if i could get your number or something in case you're not here and i need a pep talk."he said handing me his phone. "oh yeah for sure." i took the phone and put my number in then texted myself so i would have his contact. "thank you luna. well i'm gonna go get ready for the team debrief but as always it was lovely talking to you." "bye george." i told him giving his a small smile.

after i talked with george i talked with logan for a bit then decided it was time for me to go home. when i made it back to the hotel i almost immediately crashed onto the bed and fell asleep.

i haven't decided if i'm gonna make bella a main character but i think her face claim is gonna be gracie abrams. also i actually feel so bad for logan right now like first the whole car switch last weekend and this weekend he still didn't get his own car back and then he spun out at practice and qualified p19 if he can't have good luck in real life he's gonna get good luck in this book but anyway i hope you enjoyed and byeee 🫶🫶🫶

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