Untitled Part 1

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I look down at my phone as it vibrates, hoping it's a text from Langa "yes!!' I say quietly as my face brightens up when I see that he texted me. "Reki wanna go skating after school today?" He wants to go skating!! We haven't been able to skate with each other in about a week since i've been sick. "Of course, what time?" i text back "the second we step outside of school,i've missed skating with you" langa texts back. My face turns a light shade of red when he mentioned how much he missed skating with me.

I grab my skateboard and run out the door jumping onto my board, I smile. It feels good to skate again! The whole ride to school I think about langa, for some reason I'm always thinking about him. It feels kinda wrong. I think about him in the shower, when I'm going to bed,when I'm bored in class, I guess all my friends are like this. Well atleast i hope so. I space out thinking about him and feel myself lose balance on my skateboard. AHHHH!! I yell as I crash into the curb, I fall back and start laughing.

Hey reik! Langa grabs my hand to lift me up off of my butt. "LANGAAA" I yelled excitedly to see him. I hesitated a little bit but I hugged him tightly." i missed you so much ughh" i say. "I missed you too reiki, i'm so mad my mom wouldn't let me visit you, she didn't want me getting sick even though if i wore a mask id probably be fine" he rolls his eyes when he talks. " it's alright, she wanted the best for you anyway we called each other whenever we could so it's no biggie" i say trying to not make him feel bad.

I hear the first bell ring. Oh shit we gotta go! I say. Cmon langa! I grab his arm and run towards the front entrance. " Hey, no running!" a teacher yells at us. Me and langa start laughing, i stick my tongue out at the teacher and make a run for it. I grabbed onto Langas arm but he didn't get the memo that we were running and fell and pulled me with him.

He falls on top of me and my face turns hella red. But before he makes me blush he rolls over off of me on the floor and gets up.. Uh oh i start running away from him "get over her" he says chasing me. I ran up the stairs to the second floor hoping to get to my class. I burst through the door as langa is still chasing me and I stumble onto a table almost falling with langa shoving into me. 

The whole class looks at us, "You're late, get into your seats you two" our teacher says disappointed in us. Me and langa walk back to our seats holding in laughter. The second the class turned dead silent we both burst out into laughter and the whole class looked at us like we were insane. I'm so embarrassed! I think to myself but at least I got to spend some time with langa.

As the day goes on i can't think of langa falling on me, "what if he saw i was blushing" what if i smelt bad and that's why he rolled off me" i need to stop overthinking it. But I can't get the fact out of my head that his touch feels so good. And when I hugged him I kinda got butterflies. What am i even thinking about? He's my best friend. I try to get him out of my head but i seriously can't

The last bell of the day rings. I ran outside looking for langa. I finally see him and he looks so.. Pretty.

I gaze off and stare at him i space out and don't realize the fact that he's running towards me. Reki, are you alive?wake up?!?!?! "Ahh yeah sorry let's Go skating!" I say looking deeply into langa's eyes. "race you to the skate park" langa says. On your mark get ready.. Set.. GO! I say. I pick up some speed and get to the road.

We make it to the park and fool around and practice some tricks until it starts getting dark out.

Its about 7:00 i sit down and crack open a can of sprite and sit down signaling langa to sit next to me. Langa sits down next to me closer than usual, "want some?" i say "oo yeah" he says and begins to chug it. " THAT'S ENOUGHHHHH" i say yelling at him jokingly for drinking like half of my sprite. Langa burps into my face "ewww i can burp better than that" i say looking for competition. I chug the rest of my sprite and let out a giant burp.

Me and langa laugh " mine was way better" "no mine was" "nuh uh" "your burp sucked"

We went back and forth debating whose burp was better even though it was clearly my burp.

We stare off into the sunset for a couple minutes. I contemplate whether I should rest my head on his shoulder but I do anyway because I know that langa wouldn't mind. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. I feel butterflies in my stomach.

He lays his head on my head and I can feel myself drifting off into sleep.

I open my eyes and blink a couple times then it hits me.. Where the hell am i? I move my head to the side and realize that langa is sleeping next to me. Not only that, I'm in his arms."Am I really cuddling with my best friend right now? This doesn't feel right but, at the same time it feels so good.

I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep because I'm not gonna lie, being in his arms was really comfy and i didnt wanna get up. I completely forgot that it's a school day and that we're gonna be late. It doesn't matter to me though, at-least im with langa and that's all I can ask for. 

He woke up about a half hour after I did and unwrapped his arms from around me and sat up.

"Langa, what happened last night and how'd I end up at your house? '' I say. " your seriously dont remember, you fell asleep on my shoulder and i didnt wanna wake you up so I just carried you home" langa says, rubbing his neck looking a little embarrassed.

"Thank you langa. That's why ur the best" i say looking into his pretty blue eyes. He holds my face lightly and kisses me. My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest. My face felt burning hot. After he kisses me he gets up and hands me a t- shirt and shorts. "reki put that on, we don't wanna be late for school." langa says "okay thank you langa". I take off my shirt in front of the langa . I'm a little embarrassed but it's ok because he is my best friend but after that we're gonna end up way more than that.  

I take off my shorts and replace them with langa's, " langa can i use your toothbrush if that's okay" i dont have one on me" i say a little nervous "of course, use whatever you want what's mine is yours, okay?" langa explains it to me. " seriously! Thank you!" I say hugging him and running to the bathroom to use all of his cool products.

I put some face cream on and my eyes start to tear up "langa whats this nair stuff its buring my face really badly" i yell to him "YOU IDIOT REKI" langa yells "WHAT IS IT LIKE A WITCHES POTION OR SOMETHING" i hide behind the shower curtain as i hear him run down the hallway and into the bathroom. When he walks into the bathroom i jump out of the shower and scare him. AHHHH" langa screams like a little girl

Haha you actually fell for that i'm not that dumb! I say "too much confidence" langa rolls his eyes and laughs at me. "Heyyy" i run at him to play fight but he stiff arms me so i can't get any closer

"Ugh whatever your so fake" I say. "like ur dick, you probably had to get a fake one attached" langa says "wanna bet?" i say and then langa's jaw drops to the floor. "I mean.. Like"langa says, sounding like he wasn't against it " I WAS JOKING.. OR WAS I "I say red as a tomato.

Langa laughs, "ok now shut up and brush ur teeth you're scaring me" langa says while shoving his toothbrush into my mouth. "Mmph" I mumble and he shoves his toothbrush in my mouth.

I walk over to the sink to spit my toothpaste out as i'm doing that langa takes the toothbrush from me and starts brushing his teeth. I blush at the fact he did not hesitate to use the toothbrush that was just in my mouth,

What did you do with my bag?" i ask "uh its next to my bed" he mumbles while brushing his teeth. I get my phone and check the time. Shit! Its 12:37 in the afternoon. "Langa were fucked, its 12:37 we missed like all our classes" i yell to langa " SERIOUSLY?!?!" langa yells back "YEAH, WE MIGHT AS WELL NOT GO" i yell "ok lets just stay at my place, hopefully we wont get in too much trouble if we get caught skipping" langa says walking into his bedroom.

Langa sits down on his bed, "come here reki i needa talk to you about something" langa tells me "yeah sure, what is it langa?" i ask nervously. "So uh about the kiss thing. Im sorry it was weird of me to kiss you since were only friends and i- i cut langa off and kiss him so he cant finish his sentence. "I liked it langa, trust me" i say after the kiss.

Langa hugs me and i lay down on the bed to cuddle with him. I close my eyes and curl up into a ball laying my leg over langa. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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