Humanity isn't alone :

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In the years 2074 of the galactic calendar. The Galactic Conglomera decide after 5 years of debate to let the human have an opportunity to join the Galactic Conglomera. The first communication with Humanity made it clear that no species would go on the surface of their homeworld because of the environmental condition of said homeworld. Now it's a well known fact that Terra is a class 7 death world1. The humans were dumbfound, they just got out of what they called World War III.

They we're divided like never before, but when a new civilization came into their line of site. They became a solid entity. A wall which made the Conglomera really stressed. It was like the planet itself stop anything and just looked at it. It was like a surprised predator not moving, almost not breathing, just glaring at you.

Then after 2 local day it came. A message and a diplomat had been decided and it would come to meet with the Conglomera on the ES3 Abrixian IV, the vessel we're a classic exploration spaceship with class 3 FTL technology on board 2. The human vessel took 3 days to approach the ES3 Abrixian IV, when the human spaceship finally arrived, the diplomat was named Nominoë3 Guyader. The Conglomera couldn't be prepared to what they would see the diplomat resemble in no way another species already discovered. The first few time a new species was encountered, the members of the Conglomera were a little dumbfounded by there new aspirant member. But the time of stupefaction were considered a thing of the past but it seemed Humanity decided otherwise.

The first description of a human we're of M. Guyader himself and it was written has follow : M. Guyader had two eyes facing front like a predator, a physique built to support the high gravity of Terra. M. Guyader is bipedal. They are quite tall for a bidepal on a high gravitation world and has 4 limb. None of them had a balanced centered function which is already weird but it's seems like an adaptation due to their high gravity homeworld. The skin of the human is visible on multiple place and it seems it lack fur on multiple part of it body but not all of it. The face of M. Guyader is facing front for all it's features except for their non-mobile ears which are on the side of their head. Humanity seems to have both carnivorous and herbivorous teeth. This suggested that human have an omnivorous diet. The humans lack any features that could be considered has a natural weapon, no big fang or sharp claw, no armor, nothing. But what the human lack in natural weapon they had it in attitude and strength.

Report of the meeting between Humanity and the Galactic Conglomerate :

M. Guyader, just got out of his space shuttle, and has been escorted by guard of the Conglomerate to the meeting chamber. M. Guyader has been assigned a Drevis4.

Speech controller, Dernʨ: Welcome, Humanity representative. We will discuss of the integration of Humanity to the Galactic Conglomerate.

Humanity representative, M. Guyader : Hello to you all. I was decided by the T.G.T.5 to represent Terra. And has such I will try to help to make the best decision for all of us.

Alliance of the High West representative: What do you think your species could give to the Conglomerate?

Humanity representative, M. Guyader: I don't know. I don't know what the Conglomerate, could be interested in that we could give.

Alliance of the High West representative: Then we propose a series of scientific meeting during 2 local cycle. And at the end of the scientific meeting we will organize another meeting.


The meeting was the shortest one in the history of the Conglomerate. We know now that the series of scientific meeting was a success because of the very advanced medical technology and technique. The human integrated the Conglomera, in the year 2076 of the galactic calendar. The human will gain a reputation of very good quality soldier and working power, the human because of their capacity to pack bond with anything became a very good element of a spaceship crew.

This classification was decided in the third meeting of the history of the Conglomera in the year 1045. cf. Third meeting of the galactic alliance Topics : Planets classification

cf. Intergalactic spaceship history volume 2

Apparently after an ancient king of a country back of Terra

The most advanced traduction devise at the time of the meeting.

Temporary Government of Terra

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