Chapter two (Anakin's POV)

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How on earth does Obi-Wan like this girl?? Maybe at one point in time, I was a little jealous of her, but after meeting her? Boy, is she infuriating, always acting like she is better than everyone around here? I'm curious why she doesn't live at the temple, but I'm also not complaining. Once she's gone, Obi-Wan turns to me.

"Now, why were you dueling (Y/N), Anakin?" Did you want to be humiliated?"

He lets out in his usual mocking tone. There is nothing I can do to prevent my eyes from rolling at the rude comment.

"It was her idea, master" was the only thing I could think of to respond with.

"Yes, Anakin, but what did you do to her to push her to such far lengths? (Y/N) resents fighting, haven't you learned that?" Now, this was too far, my own master defending this prick? I've had enough, and something in me snaps.

"How has she bewitched you all into thinking she's an angel? (Y/N) has only proven herself to be a total asshole; what don't you get, Obi-Wan?"

It was wrong of me to speak before thinking; it felt good to let all of that out.

"ANAKIN! I thought I had taught you to respect those around you." Ugh, here comes the lecture. He continues, "You know what? Maybe you could learn a thing or two from (Y/N), starting with how to be less of a dick!"

Before I was able to respond, Obi-Wan walked away from me, which maybe was a good thing before I got myself in deeper shit. I suppose I should meet up with Rex and the boys, who should be wrapping up training about now. Rex had always been that friend I could trust with my grievances. I could use someone to talk to about all of this and maybe a drink as well.

Two hours later

"Hold on a minute, Rex. It looks like Obi-Wan is blowing up my comlink." I shouted to the table we were sitting at.

"Don't take too long, Commander; wait till you hear what Jesse pulled today during training!" Rex yells from the distance.
I mentally prepare myself to talk to Obi-Wan. I didn't exactly leave it well between the two of us.

"Anakin? Where the maker are you? Listen, that doesn't matter, meet me at the temple entrance in fifteen minutes. Don't be late."

One thing I do admire about Obi-Wan is how he speaks his mind. When I head over to the table, I bid the boys farewell.

"If he's gonna put you on youngling duty instead of our mission to Raxis, I'll need to intervene," Rex says with a chuckle.

"Trust me, if I'm not with you guys, that ship leaving tonight (Y/N) won't be the only Jedi I dueled today."

The table erupts with laughter as I wave goodbye. As I approach the large flight of stairs outside the temple, I see someone standing next to Obi-Wan, probably his old friend, Master Luminara. I finally reach Obi-Wan, who looks too happy to see me, and the unknown figure turns around, revealing herself to be (Y/N.) Whatever Obi-Wan has up his sleeve, I know it's going to leave me pissed off.

Obi-Wan starts, "I've gathered you two today because the council has agreed to send you two off on a retreat. You two are gifted individuals but lack the critical tools to be a Jedi. Anakin, you neglect the spiritual side of the force and lack planning. (Y/N) you struggle with the combat that comes with our training; in fact, you avoid it."

I guess I was right about something, I'm surprised Obi-Wan also picked it up.

He continues, "(Y/N) you also struggle to work alongside others and opt for independence no matter what. You two will be gone for three rotations and head to Ahch-To tonight. Go and pack your things quickly; I expect you will leave in about an hour.

(Y/N) pipes up, "Master Kenobi, I've never heard of Ahch-To; why did you choose this planet?"

Obi-Wan was pleased with this question. "Well (Y/N), Ahch-To is the birthplace of the Jedi Order; I think it will be a good spot to connect spiritually with the force, and it is mostly uninhabited, so the bickering between the two of you won't keep anyone up."

I start walking to my room to pack a bag. Loathing is an understatement. Amid a galactic civil war, the Jedi council feels obliged to send two commanders on a yoga retreat. I'm surprised I haven't killed you yet Obi-Wan.

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