You nodded, resting your cheek on your palm. "His manners are like that of a gangster too," Haruna added.

"Really? I think you're all overanalysing." Aki said looking out the door, almost crying out of fear when Megane suddenly came into her field of view holding a CD.

"Guys I have information on Australia's Big Waves!" He announced, "Allow me to show you my skills in information harvesting!" He said, pretty proud of himself before inserting the CD.

You had decided to tag along to see if there was any information you didn't have, leaving you stood next to Kazemaru. You watched as the screen flickered to the team, "What sort of plays do they do?" Endou asked as they all watched intently. It didn't even show a single player before it changed to them surfing and playing volleyball.

"Megane what is this."

"I'm glad you asked! As you would expect in a fight between two countries, it's quite difficult to obtain information on other national teams!" That was the only thing you would agree with. "Nevertheless I, Megane, am not the sort of man who gives up easily!"

After some silence you put your hand up, "Didn't you run off the pitch in your first practice match?"

"We don't talk about that!"

"Someone's sensitive.."

"How do you even know about it!?"

You shrugged and let him carry on instead of puncturing his ego further, "Even though I can't record their plays, I got scenes of them playing at the beach!"

"Aren't you kind of useless? I'm sure Y/n's done a better job in the past two days." Fuyuka deadpanned gaining a pained sob.

"Please tell me you have something." Kazemaru whispered to you.

"Yeah, he really sucks at this." You whispered back staring at Megane's crying figure.

Aki and Haruna walked over to the group, "We don't have videos but they call themselves the men of the ocean." Haruna said.

You took a look at Tsunami's face out the corner of your eye. "The ocean?"

You walked over next to Haruna, "They're a team that has trained both their minds and bodies against the ocean. Their defensive ability in particular very strong."

"They have unknown tactics that can completely block any sort of attack." Haruna finished.

'Yeah, totally unknown.' You thought, how did you get the information? It's not like you somehow hacked into the Australian soccer team's system and downloaded all the data so now you have your own copy, illegally probably. Psh, of course not! No but in reality coach gave you some information and you found extra stuff on them while you were at the headquarters but no body needs to know that.

"That sounds interesting." Tsunami said.

"Block any sort of attack?" Kidou asked.

Megane nodded, "And if we don't take it down, there's no chance of winning." He responded.

Endou made a noise that reminded you of someone starting a motorcycle, "The more I listen, the more I can't sit still! We've gotta practice or I might explode!" He shouted before running out.

"What a guy." You said looking at the door.

You heard Endou speak with a pained laugh, "Coach..!"

He made everyone go back to their rooms, you stayed in the cafeteria with the managers for a bit before walking out seeing him sat on the same chair. "Coach, I have an idea." You started.

- BIKE RIDE | g. shuuyaWhere stories live. Discover now