sex education pt1

23 1 0

veronica and chantel were sat behind stage as chantel was doing veronica's makeup

"so you stayed at mitchels the other day"chantel says wiggling her eyebrows at her sister

"chantel how many times do i have to tell you we're just friends"veronica stated

"and how many times do i have to tell you i know you want it to be more"chantel argued as she stands up straight admiring the makeup she had done on her sister "here look"chantel hands veronica a mirror

"oh my god C you are honestly so talented"veronica complimented her sister on the make up she did

"come on we have people to impress with our amazingly sexy dancing, well one person in specific for you"chantel grabs her sisters hand and they walk towards the edge of the stage

"omg babes you both look #stunning" stephen complimented the two girls"ready girls"

they all just nod at him as they walk out on stage and begin to do their dance

mitchels pov
"what is the point of this shit assembly?" i ask as i sit down and rem-dog stops next to me

"ur just mad that people are gonna see ronnie in sexy clothes"he laughs at me and i just huff at him

"how many times i gotta tell u you muppet were just mates" i scowl at him

"and how many times do i gotta tell you i know you want it to be more"

" do one" i say not wanting to answer him because i know he's right then she walks out on stage

holy shit

god she looks unbelievable i mean she is usually so gorgeous anyway but holy fuck she looks so hot

the way she's moving her hips the way she's biting her lip while smiling at me like she's loving every second of my reaction

when she's done it takes pretty much everything in me not to run backstage and take her right then and there

veronica's pov

we walk out on stage and the first person i go to look fore is mitch. when i catch him in the crowd i can see his jaw is on the floor and his eyes glued to me

i smile and bite my lip at the fact he dosent look away from me, not once

the way he's looking at me so hungrily makes me want to jump of the stage and take him right then and there but i refrain myself

when we're done we all go backstage and get changed into our uniform

"oh my god babes mitchell didn't take his eyes off you for a second"stephen snaps while saying the word second

"he looked like he wanted to rip your clothes off" my sister agreed with him and i just sort of squeel

"i know" i can't stop smiling

when we were back in the classroom sir told us that this lesson was going to be a sex ed one

"this is going to be good" i lean towards mitch

"not as good as your dance"he leans closer to me and i turn to him

"you like it?" he smirks at my question only leaning closer so his lips are practically touching my ear and he whispers

"i loved every second of it"

he then placed a small genital kiss just under my ear completely contradicting the rough grab he gives my thigh

i turn to look back to the front completely flustered (and turned on i won't lie)

"sex was invented by the romans"sir begins before going to draw (quite badly) pictures of thr male and female anatomy "i give up i don't know how to do it"

"oi sir why don't you just draw a frogs dick so joe knows what he's gonna be sucking on next week"mitchel yells from next to me

"your an idiot, look joe you never know you might enjoy it"

"i'd rather shit in my hands and clap"rem-dog says and i laugh at him

"why is it just me that has to go live on a farm with freaks" joe complains

"not all farmers are freaks" sir tries to reason with him "alex name he was in blur"

"but they sent me some cheese in the post"

"there you are that lovely"

"is it?" i question

"probably made from the farmers wife's tit milk" mitchel laughs

"don't be stupid" sir says

"they do that i read it in nutz"

"yeah and your gonna have to wank off a cow" rem dog now speaks up

"why on earth would he have to do that?" sir looks confused

"to get milk" i say like it's the most obvious thing and mitch and rem just nod there head with me

"look france isn't that bad they have lots of things like skiing and piro" sit tried to convince joe and jing says something in chinese probably calling sir an idiot again because he is and sir just tells her what piro is

"i can't believe you've actually read a book" she scoffs at him

"book?" he laughs "i watch the tv shows"

"okay let's do this" he goes to pick up rem dogs hat and pick out some of the questions we put in there "remember it's all anonymous so you have nothing to worry about"

"should i stop strangling when the lips go blue? right i'm not even gonna dignify that with an answer mitchel"

"sir" mitch says sounding betrayed

i lean and whisper in his ear " you can practice with me if you want pretty boy" he then turns to me with a smirk on his face "don't make promises you can't keep gorgeous"

"will any of the french exchange be on grinder? i don't know stephen" sir continues

"lucky dip then"

"is it too much to ask to have a serious one. he's 23 i'm 15 what will it feel like? illegal chantel" she rolls her eyes at his response "can you get pregnant from swallowing?jesus veronica no you can't i'm done with this now" sir puts down the hat and puts his hands on his hips

"you can practice with me if you want gorgeous" mitchel mimicked my words from earlier into my ear

"don't make promises you can't keep pretty boy"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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