parents evening pt2

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after lunch we were back in class and we were doing a lesson on africa so alfie had split the class into two separate sections

we heard a knock at the door and as soon as alfie saw it was miss guliver he ran to the door

"joe i am gonna need you to go ahead and hide in the cupboard"he says while he pushes himself up against the door

"okay"joe hesitantly says while getting up to go sit in the cupboard

when he is in alfie opened the door and miss guliver asks if she can talk to joe

"no he's gone to the hospital let's hope he hasn't got it as well"alfie says making veronica turn to mitchel in confusion and he just shrugs at her

"can i come out now"we hear joe asks from the cupboard

"what was that?" miss says pushing herself back into the room

"nelson mandela yeah sorry mandy 1989 one more year crack on you've got a book to write" miss guliver looks very confused but just walks out of the room

"miss guliver is so buff ting" rem-dog says

"yeah she is hot man like proper spice"mitchel agrees making veronica turn to him in jealousy

"no she ain't" chantel says making her sister say "don't worry babe your like 10x what she is" and chantel says the same back to veronica

"beauty is in the eye of the beholder girls: shakespeare" sir says to us

"whatever" veronica rolls her eyes

mitchel whispers in her ear "what's wrong?"

veronica didn't even turn to look at him while saying "why don't you go ask miss guliver"

he smirks "why, you jealous babe?"

this time she turns to look at him her face up close to his "so what if i am"

"don't worry gorgeous no one has anything compared to you" he licks his lips while looking down at hers

"good" she whispers smirking while turning to look at sir who is sat on the floor next to joe in the cupboard

"look all i need you to do this time is pretend your mum has a potentially fatal disease so miss guliver goes on a date with me and hopefully at some point in the future hopefully become my girlfriend"

his smiles at him and agrees to go along with his stupid plan

it was now the end of the day and it was parents evening veronica and chantel were sat with there mum in front of mr wickers

veronica just rolls her eyes while watching her mum flirt with sir when she see her start sliding her foot up his leg she get up and leave to go outside for a smoke

after about 15 minutes she sees mitchel walk out of the doors as soon as there eyes meet they both smile there mood instantly going up.

"you alright pretty boy how did ur parents evening go?" veronica offers him a smoke which he accepts

"the usual"he shrugs while putting the cig in his mouth lighting it up and taking a puff "what about urs" he asks her

"the usual"she shrugs and smiles at him and he laughs at her response

"how bout you come to mine tonight we'll get some chips on the way home and watch movies " he suggests to her making her eyes light up and she just nods

they both finish there cigs and go back inside

fraser starts speaking into the microphone making us all turn his attention to him "there are kids out there who are less fortunate than your own so here to tell you about our fundraising is the wonderful miss guliver"

"we are all going to die" she starts

"jesus crist" veronica mutters while resting her head against mitchels shoulder he just laughs and puts his arm around her shoulder

"but what if i told you that your child isn't going to reach the age of thirty because that's the reality of palmer's syndrome it's a condition that affects one in six million"

"so give us all your fucking money now"alfie interrupted "that's basically the message here so why don't we all make our way to the next room where there is complimentary wine"

"alfie not now"miss guliver then starts saying she wants to tell us a story about emma poulter who has died from palmers syndrome

"hang on emma poulter isn't dead" some woman who veronica assumed was emma poulter speaks up "i'm emma poulter" she was right

after that shit show veronica and mitchell begin to walk home together

when they got to mitchels static home she realised that they were there on their own

"where's your dad" veronica asks him

"he's at his fair it's going on all night" he answers

"so we're here alone?" she leans against the wall 

"yeah does that make you happy baby" he smirks while putting his hands on either sides of her head trapping her to the wall she just giggles and pushes him away from her

"i'm going to get changed" she says walking to mitchell's room. going through his draws she finds a shirt and decides to put that on because it was abit longer on her going down to her mid thigh she dosent bother putting and shorts on she just walks back into the living room where mitchell is spreading himself out of the sofa

when veronica walks in his head turns to look at her his eyes immediately dart down to her legs he swallows the lump in his throat while his eyes travel back up her body getting to her eyes "u look even more gorgeous then usual in my clothes"

instead of replying she just does a little turn for him knowing that the back of the shirt will have flown up abit showing off her lacy underwear

"your such a tease"he laughs and gets up saying he's going to go go get changed

she sits down on the sofa and goes to put mama mia on when mitchel comes back he is gray sweats and no t-shirt on "and you call me a tease"she says looking him up and down which he just laughs at and comes sits down next to her

"really again" he says looking at the movie she put on

"you know i love it"she turns and they make eye contact

he looks down into her eyes and just smiles and as she turns back to watch the tv his eyes stay on her for afew moments before turning back to the tv

after a few hours mitchels dad ends up coming back to the caravan and sees his son and his 'best friend' asleep together on the sofa cuddled up he turns the tv off, puts a blanket over them and then goes to his room to go to sleep

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