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Julian spent several days pacing around Sick Bay, worried about Samantha because USS Kirk had disappeared, and no one could find it. Later today, the Defiant would join in the search for the ship and Julian was coming along.

They searched for five days, until they finally found it. Or at least what was left of it. The ship had crashed on a deserted planet that was barely class M. The ship had torn up in the crash and Julian despaired of finding any surivors, almost three months later.

As they were scanning the ship, one very odd thing happened. Not one single sign of bodies was there. It was like the crew had disappeared and was somewhere else.

Julian looked across the horizon across several kilometres to find someone waving a white flag! He didn't recognize the person but he shouted to everyone.

'I see someone, seven kilometres distant!'

They had hoppers to search around so Julian got on one with several medical staff and Sisko.

Once they were at the caves' entrance, he could see the person in more detail. They had a broken leg but were upright. It was Scotty, and he was glad to see them.

'you guys are a sore sight. I hope you've got medical supplies because you are going to need them. Summon all nearby ships, we're going to need them as well. You'll see. I'm the best off of anyone.'

'How many survivors?'

'All one thousand of them. Tracy and Kirk rescued the whole crew. They are by far the worst off. They rescued everyone of us from the clutches of an evil man. His guards caught up with them during the last trip. He tortured them to a degree; I don't know how they managed to make their way here. That was last night.' Julian braced himself for the worst. He would need it.

The series of caves held the crew of the USS Kirk but almost every single person was laying down on a bed of leaves and barely moving. Everyone was already triaged, Julian could see from the way that people were laying down. The most injured were the farthest into the caves, making them the safest. Scotty led them deep into the cave to Kirk and Samantha.

It was not immediately clear who was who. They were both covered in bloods and injuries to the point that Julian nearly threw up. He approached the first body. It was Kirk upon closer examination. Both his legs were broken and that was the least of his problems. Based on his tricorder, almost every single bone in his body was broken, his skin had been flayed extensively as well. He had numerous burns as well. Another injured man beside him was Bones who was hurt badly but conscious. He had been the one trying to keep them alive.

Samantha was even more hurt than Kirk, her bones were broken, and an intricate swirling design had been carved into her skin. The redness of it showed that it was already inflamed. Her body condition which Julian could see from her lack of clothes was exceptionally poor. It looked like she hadn't eaten in three months.

Julian pulled himself together before he could cry and gave the orders for Kirk and Samantha to be beamed on board the Defiant. He left orders with Sisko to start beaming people on board the other ships based on triaging.

Once they were both stabilized and, on their way, to healing, Julian broke down in a chair and sobbed. He had just for a brief moment, lost Samantha. Her heart had stopped beating for a minute, but Julian got it back.

Garek approached him and enclosed him in a tight hug. Julian continued to cry himself out, knowing that Garek would never mention it again once the moment had passed.

The total number of patients was distributed to the star ships that were nearby. Thankfully they were over 50 as part of the search. All of the red tags were seen to within minutes of the ships arriving, yellow tags as well. Extra medical staff there in that cave, handled the green tags. No one died, and Starfleet was relieved. Soon enough the full story of what happened would come out in the court martial.

Samantha was kept under sedation for a solid week until Julian was sure that she was stable enough to be woken. She woke up not in a panic as he expected but with a groan. She spoke.

'I love modern medicine but, man, do I ache all over. Julian is that you?'

'Yes, my love.'

'How's my crew?'

'Everyone is alive, thanks to you and Kirk. What happened?'

'I can't speak of it, not right now. I will say everything at the court marital.'

' I'm just so glad that you're okay. I don't know what I would have done if you had been killed.'

The entire crew was relieved of duty and put on medical leave for a year. They would all need counselling and more healing than six months could provide. Kirk proved hard to keep in Sick Bay once he was feeling slightly better. Julian had to resort to putting Samantha and Kirk in the same room so they could annoy each other. They stayed in bed that way.

Slowly but surely, all of the crew was healed to the point where they could leave their various rooms in Sick Bays between the various ships. Kirk and Samantha were the last ones to be released.

Samantha moved to herown room, to prepare for the court martial that would happen at the six-monthmark since the ship was found.

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