Who am I - t w o .

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Ham wake up again with the dryness in his throat, he felt suffocated, as if something had something over him. He try to see what going on. And when the eyes could adjust to the darkness, he could see. Charlie is sleeping on him, Ham push him off gently. He look down at himself and realizes he didn't wash up. When did he fall asleep? He think and gets up to find something to drink. But before he could come out, he heard something from the outside.

"What's that sound?" He talk with himself. He walk down the bed and stop in front of the door. Ham going to go outside but the sound sounded again, it's someone footsteps, Ham felt a little afraid. He didn't afraid of ghosts, he thinks and then he ajared the door out to look a little but it wasn't Christ's shadow, then who is it? He stare at that shadow until he realized that it looking at him too. Ham immediately closed the door, run back to Charlie and pretend to sleep. He can hear the door open and someone walk in closer to the bed, he forgot to breathe for a second. He feels that guy is out of the room, he sigh. He forgets about the dryness in his throat and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Ham asked Charlie about what was happened yesterday and found that he had started to have strange symptoms since it's raining. Lewis and Charlie get Ham in the car, soon after, Ham passed out. Both of them had to carry Ham to the room. As for Charlie, he was afraid that Ham would wake up and have that symptoms again, so he hugged Ham all the time. "Thank you, Charlie" Ham said but there's something still in his mind. "Is someone here except us?" Charlie immediately shook his head. "No, dad sleep at the station" he said "Oh, Christ said he'll take you to the hospital, go take a bath, just wear my clothes for now" Charlie continued. Before Ham could answer, Charlie's back to his dreamland. Ham gets up and goes to the bathroom. After he's done he walks downstairs to see Christ.

"Morning" he greeted the man in the kitchen. "Hi, feels better?" Christ turned to him and ask, Ham nodded. "I'll call Lewis to bring the car. You eat first." Chris told him, handing him a plate of food.

Ham and Chris sat there for a moment and heard people walking down from upstairs. At first, Ham thought it was Charlie who had finished taking a shower, but when he heard the other person, Ham realized that it was not Charlie. "Christ, last night i saw someone in Charlie's room" The voice said, Ham turn to look at where the voice came from, saw a man around Christ and Lewis ages. But somehow he feels so familiar with this man's face. The boy felt his headaches a little but didn't show it. The man look back at him in the eyes "Han?" He frowned, didn't say anything more than that and just go. Christ giggled. "Just ignore him, he's a little weird. His name is Tim, he's in the room across yours" Ham nodded, slightly blamed Charlie in his heart for saying that no one was there and continued to eat his food.

Soon, Lewis arrived, the three traveled to a hospital nearby. Christ take Ham to the hospital and Lewis go to buy his stuff.

Christ sat in front of the examination room for more than half an hour before hearing the sound of opening the door in front of him. "How are you, Ham?" Christ asked the child who had just walked out of the room. Ham didn't say anything, he handed Christ a paper. The text in it says that ham is afraid of rain and has lost some of its memory. The doctor came out of the room. Christ ask him how did this symptoms happened, the doctor seemed hesitant to speak, so the touching Chris told Ham to wait on the other side first. "Pitch thinks these two symptoms may be connected. Because from what Pitch talked to him, it seems that he has been left when it rains." When the doctor stop, Christ ask again. "Can it cure?" The doctor nodded. "Yes, try not to let him see or hear the rain. Before going anywhere, look at the forecast as well. As for the memory, he must rely on himself. Because if he remember, Pitch think that his fear of rain will disappear as well. " Christ nodded. "Thank you" He said and left.

When they're back to the house, Lewis is cooking and Charlie sitting there watching him. "Ham, how are you?" Charlie asked when he saw the two of them. Chris told Lewis and Charlie about Ham's condition. "So, Ham can't be with the rain?" Christ and Ham nodded. "Well, then you can feel comfortable, believe in me" Charlie said confidently, Lewis laughing a little at that gesture before speaking to Ham. "Ham, I'll go get your uniform tomorrow morning" "Tomorrow?" Ham a bit confused. "Yes, you have to go to school with me tomorrow" Charlie says happily. "Oh, yeah, Ham. When you finish eating, go try the clothes that Lewis bought. Christ tells him. "Okay"

"Nah, I'm not the one who bought it" Lewis spoke up, making Chris wonder. "Before I could get in the mall, your brother called me and told me he wants to come too, so I just back home to pick him to the mall. And all that clothes, he chose it" Charlie hits Lewis's shoulder softly and whispers "I said don't tell him" He pretends that he's full and gets up to wash the dish, avoiding Christ stares. Christ sighed. "Charlie, I told you not to disturb him that much" Lewis touched Christ's shoulder to claim him down. "It's okay, that's my job anyway. Your family helps me a lot" he said. Christ try to convince him that Charlie is wrong, but still, Lewis continued to confirm the same words. Until finally Charlie survived.

After the dinner, Charlie and Ham back in the room, trying new outfits that Charlie bought. It's perfectly fit but..."Why is this so cute?" Ham asked Charlie. The other smiles and says "Cause you're cute" Ham shaking his head and laughing. Suddenly, Charlie's phone rings. "Give me a second" He said and answer the phone, talked to other a few sentences hang up. "Can you be alone this night?" Charlie turn to ask him. "Why?" Charlie pouted before answering him. "Seoul, my friend, he wants me to babysit his brother. He said he has an urgent work. I don't know what he worry about. We're only a few months apart." Ham didn't understand him but nodded. Charlie gets his stuff and leave.

"Seoul? Sounds familiar..." Ham talked to himself. "Ouch!" His headache again, like when he met Tim 'Again? What's wrong?' Ham thinks. He lay down on the bed, But there was a notification sound right on his phone. Ham checking it and saw that Tim is the one who texted him. How did he get my ID? He clicked to see that message, making me feel even more confused.


Tim : Han, how do you here?
: I'm sorry
: I can't control myself back then, I'm really sorry
: Don't pretend not to know me

What you talking about? : H
We know each other? :

Tim : Can't you remember me?
: Han


Wait, my name is Ham. Do you remember the wrong person? : H

Tim : Oh
: maybe I'm wrong
: sorry

"Han?" Ham muttered to himself while reading the message that Tim sent. "Ugh" The pain in his head came back again. Causing Ham to feel that he really had to sleep.

Shortly after Ham entered his sleep, he began to dream of seeing two boys walking together, "Wait," said the smaller child. Ham felt that the child looked like him a lot. After hearing that, the higher child walked back. "You are slow," he said with the other child, offered his hand to him. But that speed was too fast for the little boy to catch up, so he fell down. Another person sighed. "Be like Pan again, Hannie." He complained a little and lifted Han with one hand. Han again, he heard this name again, Ham began to think, 'or maybe Han is his real name'. "Don't call me Hannie" the little boy said with frustration. "Why? It's cute" The other boy said before picking up the camera, don't know where it came out. "Says cheese" A tall child took a picture for another person. Ham looks around, this place look so familiar but still, he can't remember where he is.

"Wake up" Lewis wake him up. Ham rubbed his eyes. He saw Lewis carrying a school uniform walking into the room, it's Ham's school uniform. He leaned himself up to sit on the bed and saw that Charlie was sleeping. 'When did he come back to sleep?' Ham thought. "I'll go get the car, we're going to late" Lewis said and leave but then he come back "Wake Charlie up, you can use Tim's bathroom" This time he really leave. Ham wake Charlie up and then go to the room across his.

After finishing, Charlie and Ham walked downstairs.

"But Christ, Ham really look like Han" Ham heard Tim and Christ talking downstairs. "It can be, maybe Ham can't remember his name correctly. I don't know, I didn't know Han like you do" said Christ. "We have to make him remember him self" he continued. "Well, then don't remember" Tim said and immediately walked away, "Tim, you're selfish," Chris said under his breath but still can be heard.

"Let's go. We're late" Christ says when he saw Ham and Charlie. He handed the bread to the two before walked to the car where Lewis is waiting.

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