Who am I - o n e .

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Bangchan as Christ
Leeknow as Tim
Changbin as Lewis
Hyunjin as Seoul
Han as Ham/Han
Felix as Charlie
Seungmin as Sky
I.N. as Japan

In the afternoon, Christ and Lewis are on their way back home. Suddenly it's raining, so they went to the cafe nearby, wait for the rain to stop. "Christ" Lewis calls the one who on his phone scrolling through something. He's look up at his friend.

"Look there" He's pointing at the other side of the street. Christ doesn't know what he's talking about, looking after Lewis's finger and saw little kids probably about the age of Chris's brother, sitting in the rain. "And?" Christ ask him, still doesn't know what he wanted to tell him. Lewis put the drink in his hand down and tell him "that kid is sitting there since before we're here" with that Christ is shocked, if that's true, he'll probably there for more than half an hour.

Christ and Lewis decided to borrow an umbrella from the cafe and run to that kid with worry.

They're stop in front of the boy who is soaked, his body shivered from the cold. "Hey" Christ calls that boy but it seems like he's not here, his consciousness drifted too far to call it back, his absent-minded eyes further reinforce that truth. When he saw that his posture was not good, Chris told Lewis to help support that kid up and take him back to the cafe first. If they let him be here for more time, he'll be sick.

The rain stop after they get back to the cafe. Christ try to talk to him, whatever he's asking him, the answer will always be "I can't remember" Christ and Lewis sigh "Do you remember your name?" He's asked. The kid was thinking for the moment then answer "She call me Ham" Now the sigh of relief, at least he remember his name, but Christ feel like something's wrong 'She?' "You mean your mother, right?" He asked Ham. He's shaking his head "I don't remember" he says. Oh fine, at least we know his name now, that's the matters. "I'm Christ" He introduced himself "and this is Lewis" he pointed at his friend, Ham nodded. "Come with me" Christ grabbed his hand and head out of the cafe.

At first, he and Lewis intended to go back home, but it seems that they will have to change the plan a little.

They stop in front of the police station, Christ walking in like he used to. When other people saw him they greeted him, friendly. He greeted them back and going to the office of the big police officer, knocking on the door a few times before walking inside.

The man in the police uniform is sitting, checking his work "Dad" That man look up when he heard his beloved son call him. "Yes?" He smiled at his son and his son best friend, he look at the little boy beside them with curious looks on his face. "Who's that?" He asked Christ. "His name is Ham" He said. His dad smiled at the boy, Christ tell his father how he met Ham and then his father ask "Do you remember your mom's face?" Ham shake his head like when he heard other questions. "Can't remember, sir" His father massaged his temples with his hands as if he was thinking of something, muttering softly, "your face look so familiar" but he still can't remember where he have seen this face, so he just let it go. "Alright, I'm Marco, Christ's father. Just call me Dad, it's okay" Marco sigh and continues "Let's stay at our house first, at least until we find your mother." Ham nodded. Marco patted his head with affection.

"Let's him be in the same school as Charlie, I'll find his mother" Marco tells Christ before the three of them going back home.

Not a long time after leaving the police station, they're home. Ham look around, exposing the house with eyes.

At the same time, the door is opened again after being closed for five minutes. "I'm back" Someone said with the bright tone of voice. Probably feels good because the class ended. "Oh!" Chris's brother exclaimed softly when he saw that there was a new member in the house. Christ tells him about Ham, he smile softly "Hi, Ham. I'm Charlie. Do you have your room? Wanna sleep with me in my room? Where's your school? We're the same age, right?" So many questions from Charlie, Ham surprised a little. "Just let him sleep in the lounge room" Lewis said and Ham is agreed. "But I'm lonely" Charlie disagreed, he wants his new friend to stay with him. And Christ can't help but spoiled his brother, like who can say no to him?

"Let's go to our room, Ham" Christ's brother grabbed Ham's hand, lead him to his room. "Don't tease your friends." Christ tells his little brother. He smile back at him and run to upstair. Christ turns to Lewis "Get the bedding for him, I'll go finish my work" He tells his friend, Lewis nodded, accepted his request.

Charlie who finally brings Ham to his room, turn to his new friend "Ham, I'll take a bath, sit here" He said brightly and pat on his bed to tell his friend to sit down before he gets in the bathroom. Ham sit on Charlie's bed, confusingly. Not so long, the sound of the door open comes to his ears but it's not from the bathroom. It's Lewis who came in with the bedding. Ham gets up and helps him with the bed.

"Let's go eat outside" Charlie come out and said when he see Lewis in the room. The older look up and ask "Okay, when?" "Now. What do you like to eat?" He ask his new friend. Ham shaking his head "anything" He answered. "I'll get the car then, go ask Chris for money to buy a shirt for Ham" Lewis tells Charlie and then get out of the room.

"Charlie...." Ham calls him quietly. "Yes?" Charlie turn to Ham "Can I stay here? Like really?" Ham ask. After hearing that question, Charlie smiled for Ham and says "Yes, you can. Why not? Let's go eating" Ham raised a smile, but his mind was still full of confusion in his fuzzy memory.

The two of them go to Lewis's car to go to the store.

After they get in the car, Lewis noticed that Ham was looking left and right all the time, so he asked "What's happened Ham?" "Where's Christ?" Ham asked him. "Oh, Christ always doing his work all the time, now too" It's Charlie who answered that, Ham nodded "So what we gonna buy for him?" Charlie asked. "Just buy what we going to eat" Lewis said and turn the car into the mall.

They're going to Charlie favorite restaurant, no, let's say Charlie brings them there. The boy volunteered to go order the food for his brother and new friend. Give Ham a chance to talk with Lewis.

"Did you sleep at the room across Charlie's room?" Ham ask. "Which room?" Lewis confused. "The one on the left side" He says. "Oh, that room. No, I'm not. I'm sleep at my house." Lewis answered while Charlie's back.

Charlie placed the food on the table "Ham will come to my school, right?" He asks Lewis and sit down. "Yes. But what class are you in?" Ham shakes his head, he can't remember. "Be with Charlie then" after that conversation they eat their foods.

"Oh, it's raining. Let's go buy Ham's shirt and go back" Charlie said when he look outside. Ham looked out after Charlie before the symptoms changed until Lewis noticed. "Ham?" He called the other to bring back his consciousness but it didn't work. "Ham!?" This time was Charlie, he calls him and shakes his arm, now his conscious back.

"Are you okay?" He asks his new friend with care. "I don't know, I have a headache and it's like fainting, Charlie." Ham replied with a stuck breath. "I think we have to go back now. Just buy the shirt later." Charlie tells Lewis. "Yes. Let's go back" Lewis replied before reaching out to support Ham that trembled so much that he couldn't stand up, Charlie takes his hand too. "It's okay, Ham. I'm here." He says. Then the three rushed out of the store and immediately went straight home.

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