Issues At School

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"Hey Alexis have you noticed people being rude towards KG and Maya this today?" Penny asks as she and Alexis sit down in the cafeteria.

"You mean about them leaving distasteful messages on their lockers and giving them looks and comments? Yes and I don't like it." Alexis says before she and Penny see some kids going up to KG and Maya as they're sitting at a table.

"Excuse me. I know what a Mama's Boy is but what's a Double Daddies Boy?" The boy asks as he smiles at KG as LaCienega, Dijonay, Zoey and Micheal sit down with Alexis and Penny.

"Why don't we step outside and I'll explain it to you." KG says as he stands up and glares at the boy

"Ooh. Frankie got all spicy on you. What you gonna do?" A girl asks.

"I ain't gotta do nothing. Double Daddies Boy don't mean nothing to me. Come on. Let's go." The boy says as he and his friends leave.

"He is such a jerk. I can't believe I used to like him." Penny says frustratedly.

"It's truly rude and distasteful behavior." Alexis says.

"I feel bad for them." Zoey says.

"I don't." LaCienega says as she smiles.

"So you like that they're being bullied?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"I didn't say that. Besides you guys always treated me like dirt when I first moved here." LaCienega says.

"Girl we were always cool with you." Micheal says.

"What about when you saw my feet? Micheal." LaCienega says as everyone but Alexis and Penny laugh.

"Okay we did hound you pretty hard." Micheal says.

"Okay but that was nothing compared to this." Penny says.

"Yeah. This isn't just teasing and poking fun this is out right bullying and disrespectful what they're doing to KG and Maya." Alexis says.

"I just want to know how the word got out so quick. Dijonay?" Penny asks as she looks at Dijonay.

"Uh I may have accidentally sent out a tweet and posted a photo on my hologram account. But other than that I didn't say anything." Dijonay says.

"Dijonay this is exactly why Penny and I told you to keep quiet about it. People don't react well to things they don't understand or find strange. They can be cruel and unfair in their reactions and simply not care about the damage they cause." Alexis says as she and Penny stand up.

"Why does it even matter that they have two dads?" Penny asks.

"It's weird." Zoey says.

"Says who?" Penny asks.

"My dad." LaCienega says.

"Mine too." Dijonay says.

"Mine three." Zoey says.

"Well my dad taught me to treat people how I want to be treated. I'm gonna go sit with them. You guys coming?" Penny asks.

"You're on your own Proud." LaCienega says.

"Fine." Penny says as she goes over and sits with KG and Maya.

"Hold up Penny. I don't listen to my dad so I'll sit with you." Micheal says as he goes with Penny.

"Alexis I don't even understand why you're so upset. I mean you're hiding a secret of your own and only our group knows about it. I would think you'd be keeping your head down to avoid attention to yourself." LaCienega says as Alexis glares at her.

"And because of that I'm just supposed to treat KG and Maya like outcasts to protect myself? I can't believe you would have such a way of thinking. That's cold and heartless. I'm going to sit with them like Penny and Michael did." Alexis says as she goes and sits beside Penny and Micheal at KG and Maya's table before hearing Micheal and Penny joking about people not having mothers, fathers or parents at all.

"What did we say? We were just joking?" Penny asks as Maya gets up and walks away.

"If that was joking it wasn't funny." Alexis says annoyedly.

"First of all you shouldn't be joking about things you don't know of. Maya's kind of sensitive. You were talking about kids not having mothers and fathers and we're both adopted. That's wrong." KG says as he scoffs before getting up and leaving.

"I have to say Penny you are not really good at this." Michael says before he gets up and leaves.

"Alexis you know I didn't mean it that way right?" Penny asks as she looks at Alexis.

"I know you didn't Penny but I agree with KG. You don't joke like that. I took offense to that even though I knew you didn't mean it that way. That's not funny. Many kids wish they had regular families or wish they had their old families. I'm adopted just like KG and Maya and I would give anything sometimes just to have my parents back. So jokes like that can really hit a nerve. Sorry Penny but if you are gonna make jokes like that you can sit by yourself today." Alexis says as she walks off.

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