Chapter one

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       🛫🛬lets hop on...

   Present hour!!
   "I lost the bet" Genera Maibo of Meleon clan cried out.

   "Dad, what were you thinking when you went into a bet with the demon himself" Merlin panicked.

   "I can't loose my daughter yet. Don't you know that marrying her to the demon means burying her alive"  Mrs Maibo said.

   "He had killed 20 of his wives before, dad I can't marry him" Merlin panicked.

   "Did he specify that it must be her?" Mrs Maibo asked.


   "Then we will marry Camilla off with him. It will make it easier for us since we were planning on how we will get rid if her" Mrs Maibo said.

  "You have a brilliant idea, mother" Merlin commented and they all smiled once again.

   "Nat!" Mr Maibo called.

   "Yes, sir" he replied.

   "Get Camilla dolled up" he ordered and Nat went to Camilla's room.

Camilla p.o.v

   The door opened and I could see a real figure after a very long time of seeing a hand which passes me food everyday.I was adopted by general Maibo of Meso clan.

  I was treated like a nobody and was maltreated and beaten for anything that happen to Merlin, my foster sister.
   Merlin poured hot water on her hand 2 years ago and since then I have been locked up in my room.

   I moved to the other side to peer at my self in the mirror and I look just like a corpse already.
   Makeup artists and fashion designers suddenly came in and I knew what was going on, I am needed to be present at a ceremony. How I wish o could just escape. Maybe I can!,  when no one is looking.
  "Oh my lovely Camilla you are looking beautiful as always" Mrs Maibo said in front of all the clans.

    "If you act weird you won't like what will happen" Melin whispered a threat and I just smiled like a pro, I don't want to be beaten by General Maibo, the last time was terrible.

   "Let the bride enter" a voice was heard from inside and suddenly  the large door opened.

  Dad, sorry I mean General Maibo put my arm under his as he escorted me down the alley.

  Like what the fucking hell is happening Tony life, I am not even in control. You understand what I an trying to say, like how am I in an alley walking over to a shaman who will bless my union with an unknown guy. My whole life is a big mess"

" groom enter!" A voice called out again and a guard with a sword walked in which threw the whole gathering into confusion.

    "Where is chief commander Aerial?" The shaman asked.

  Who is Aerial?

  "He can't make it, so his sword will be standing in for him today" he replied  and everyone immediately bowed down for his sword.

   "Long live, your general!" They all chorused.

    Why are they bowing down?, when he is not even the king!. Who exactly is this guy?

    The shaman with a disgusted face" If you still want to go on with this marriage signify, if you don't want you can choose to end it here"

   I looked around. If I end it I will be free from having to marry someone I don't even know but I will  have to go back to that terrifying home.

   "I will like to go on with the marriage" I said as I took the cup of vinegar,squatted and served it to the sword.
🗣 "what a lonely bride!"
🗣" how could he?!"
🗣" such an heartless demon!"
🗣"she looks so desperate, poor girl!"
🗣"little does she know that she is going to her cemetery"....

      Everyone whispered among themselves making sure the royalties do not hear them.

  "I now pronounce you both as husband and wife" the shaman said and everyone clapped.

Hello guys how was the chapter (" I just pity Camilla😭 who else has sympathy for her?" Reply in the comment session.) And(" who exactly is this demon that everyone is afraid of ?!" Let's find out in the next chapter)

  Bucket list for today!
    🔷 Enter an elevator that is filled with people and as soon as the elevator is in motion say" I hope you all know why I gathered you here today?"😉

  When you do that, let's talk!😎

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