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Hayden's pov

Today I'm two weeks post op but I'm better than ever.Today were going on a campin trip in the same place where Anna was pregnant with riley which is exciting.Anna and I get dressed,we make sure all the kids were,which they were,we made breakfast,then once everyone had eaten,we put all of our bags in the car,then headed to the camping park,we were 2 hours into our 4 hour road trip and so far we've had 2 bathroom breaks,I'm bursting,but there's no stations for 45 minutes

Hayden:babe I need to pull over

Anna:why ?

Hayden:because I need to pee and the next station isn't for 45 minutes

Anna:ok does anyone else need to pee because daddy is pulling over

Riley:I need to go

Alex:I do

Issac:so do I

Anna:ok I kinda need to go but we'll wait till the men are done

Hayden:you sure

Anna:yeah us girls can wait


We pulled over,me,Riley,Alex and issac get out of the car,we face away from the car,I unzip my pants,grab my dick out of my boxers,my stream wouldn't start I don't know if I wa stage fright but the boys streams have already started,I turn away from Riley,Alex and issac,i can feel it at my tip but nothings coming out,I wait a few seconds,then my stream started,I sigh loudly in relief,after a few minutes my stream slowed down,till I turned into nothing,I squeeze the last few drops out,I sigh in relief,the shook my dick,then shoved it back in my boxers,then zipped my pants back up,the girls went,then we were on our way,after a long 4 hours drive we were finally here,we go out the car,found a spot,then get everything out, we put the tents up,then set everything up in there,Anna,skylar and maya wa sharing,then me,Riley,issac and  Alex are sharing.i started a camp fire and the kids asked me questions

Alex:have you been here before

Hayden:yeah we came here when mummy was 8 months pregnant with Riley


Hayden:yeah with your uncle jaden, cooper and auntie nessa and sab


Hayden:the fire is going out I'll go get some wood

Riley:I'll come with you


We go into the woods,we picked up alot of sticks,wood and leaves,we head back,we eat our dinner,then we make smores.

Anna:these are absolutely delicious

Alex:they really are thank you dad

Hayden:no problem

Anna:I'm  tired so I'm going to go to bed

Hayden:I am as well,does anyone need the toilet before we go to bed

Alex:I do

Riley:Me too

Issac:I do as well

Hayden:ok We'll go and we'll be back as quick as we can


I kiss her,me,riley,issac and alex all go a little bit away from the tents,we go to separate trees,i unzip my pants,pulled my dick out my boxers,i can hear all the boys streams started but for some reason my won't start,i can feel it leaking at my tip but it still won't start

Riley:You ok dad

Hayden:yeah I'm just struggling,you take issac and Alex back and ill be there soon

Riley:ok should I get mum

Hayden:Yes please


They leave but my stream still won't start,I hear voices I know it's annas

Anna:are you OK the kids said you were having trouble

Hayden:I've been struggling again

Anna:how long has this been going on?

Hayden:it only started today

Anna:do you want to find a public bathroom

Hayden:we can't leave the kids

Anna:your right do you need help

Hayden: Yes please

Anna:i'll see what I can do

She starts playing water sounds on her phone but still nothing

Hayden:I'm giving up

Anna:you can make serious damage if you don't go

Hayden:I can't go Anna nothings coming out.But I can feel it dripping but nothing

Anna:I'm going to  get the kids,we're finding a public bathroom so you can pee

Hayden:what about camp?

Anna:forget it for now,we can find a hotel it's 9pm

Hayden:the closest hotel is 10 minutes away

Anna:ok let's go back to the kids

I shove my dick back in my boxers,then zipped up my pants,we go back to the kids,we quickly pack everything up,go to the car,we drove to the hotel,we parked the car then go in

Receptionist:Can I help you

Hayden:do you have any rooms for 6

Receptionist: yes it's a suit three rooms  it's $500 a night

Hayden:can I pay for two nights

Receptionist:of course that's $1000


Receptionist:cash or card

Hayden:card my wife can use my card but do you have a bathroom

Receptionist:yes  there's women's,men's and non binary so that has  normal stalls  and urinals

Hayden:ok thank you

Receptionist :no problem

I rush to the non binary toilet,I walk up to the urinal, I quickly unzip my pants,take my dick out of my boxers,i aim at the urinal,my stream started instantly,I sigh in relief,I hear the door open,someone comes in,then goes to the urinal next to me,i try not make eye contact or conversation

Person:so long night

Hayden:yeah  was camping with my family but that didn't  go to plan

Person:oh that's a shame


It went silent,they finished,zip up

Person:Nice talking to you

Hayden:you too

After a while my stream slowed down,till it turned to a drop,I squeezed the last few drops out,I shake my dick,then shoved my dick back in my boxers,I zip my pants up,I flushed the urinal,washed my hands,then walked back to my family

Anna:were in room 148


We take our luggage to our room,we go up in the elevator,we get to our room,I open the door,the kids went to their rooms,we went to ours,we unpacked our stuff,we got into our pyjamas,brushed our teeth,then said good night to the kids and then fell asleep,I woke up In the middle of the night,but I feel back asleep

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