Chapter 2 🩵

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He slowly opened the door, and watched as his stepmother turned angrily towards him.

"Quackity! How many times have I told you not to interrupt your stepsisters' music lessons?"

"But we got a letter from the palace." His stepsisters were quick to take the letter from him and argue on who was going to read it.

His stepmother took it and opened the letter. "I'll read it." She skimmed through the words. "There is to be a ball!"

The girls started to jump around and repeat what she said. "A ball!"

"In honor to help his royal highness, the prince."

"The prince!"

"Every eligible maiden, royal or commoner is to attend."

That's when his red headed stepsister spoke, "I'm so eligible." Then, of course, his two stepsisters started to argue.

"Well perhaps I could go. I could be help in case if something happens."

"A servant like you? At a royal ball? Yes, your highness I would love to dance, could you hold my broom." His other stepsister, Drizzella, said.

"Yes, but what if something happens? Plus my parents were good friends with the queen and king before their passing."

"He is correct girls." His stepmother said. Then the two girls started to complain. "That's if you can get all your chores done and find something to wear."

"Oh yes! I will stepmother! Thank you, oh, thank you!" He rushed out of the room and up to the attic where he was staying.

Back downstairs his stepsisters were complaining to his stepmother.

"Mother how could you say that?"

"The prince would be appalled if we took him."

"Girls, calm down now, I said if he can finish everything."


Karl was in his room, talking with Sapnap, Dream and George.

"I'm really unsure about this." He looked down at George who was finishing the final touches of Karl's suit.

"I'm sure everything will be just fine, Karl." Dream said from the corner of the room while helping Sapnap clean armor.

"Says you. You have two fiancés, Dream." Karl said, seemingly defeated.

"Yes? And I love them both. Love doesn't fail if you feel with your heart instead of your mind." Dream smiles and George moves away from Karl.

"Alright I'm done." He smiles at the finished suit. "What do you think?"

Karl turned around in the mirror, "it's amazing. Thank you George. Oh and Sapnap, you're not going in your armor."

Sapnap looked up towards Karl, "I'm not?" Karl shook his head.

"Nope, you're going to the ball as a guest, as well as your fiancés. Now get going you three, you have to start getting ready."

Karl watched as the three of them walked out of his room.


Quackity sat on the floor with an opened book and his mice friends sat around him. "This suit was my father's, it'll need a lot of work done to it though. If I can find the time."

He walked back downstairs to help his stepsisters get ready.

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