(Awkward silence)

Clyde: Yeah I guess so let's go

Olivia is very relieved he didn't ask anymore, but she doesn't know Clyde already knows the secret because the little snitch (teacher) told him.

After they arrive in the dorm, Clyde puts the snacks into his mini fridge and Olivia packs the chips in three in a bag. 

Ariel: Wow girl you actually bought them! Way to go!

Olivia: Of course! Next period is Math, our teacher isn't strict, we'll give them out before the class starts.

Ariel: OK

They head to class with the chips, and gave everybody three packs as promised.

The whole class: Wow thank you so much Olivia and Ariel! We promise we won't tell a word!

Olivia: Yeah sure you won't, quit shouting so loud!

Bianca: *sneers* I don't think it'll stay a secret very long, bitches

Ariel: Oh so you're gonna give us away? Well if you do, sure but return those chips to me.

Bianca: Whatever, no!

Olivia: Ariel forget about that freak!

After the class

#Ariel's POV

So after the class ended, me and Olivia entered our dorm and chatted happily about how we got away from the cheating! It was fun, and we got good grades on our history test. Plus, the chips were not really expensive, according to Olivia.

Then Olivia showed me a few packs of extra chips, I squeal out of joy and we chill while watching another movie (Marvel, Narnia, Shrek whatever 😒)

Suddenly Eric and Clyde enter our room looking serious and turns off our TV.

Ariel: Why did you do that, Eric? We were in the middle of Shrek movie!

Eric: Me and Clyde have important things to talk about.

Olivia: I don't like the sound of that. We didn't do anything wrong this time, we really didn't.

Clyde: Okay, I never said you did. Show me your recent history test.

Olivia and I takes out our history test slowly.

Clyde: Wow girls you both got a 89 on your test, well done! But how come the things you got wrong were EXACTLY the same, and the answers were also the same?

Ariel: *nervously* How would I know? It's a coincidence.

Clyde: Hmm 🤨 you stay out of this, Ariel.

Eric: Show me your history tests from last term.

We both got different marks, like 43, 56, 32, and I even got a 21 😅 😜.

Clyde: Did you study really hard this time girls? Your grades are so much better.

Just then, Eric opens my drawer and reveals a lot of memo papers with history notes on it.

Eric: Were you guys cheating?

Olivia: No ofc not, those are notes from class

Clyde: Then why not write them in the notebook I brought you last term?

Clyde opens it to find the same things written on it.

Clyde: They are the same things, so why copy them again?

Eric: Just admit that you guys cheated, we know about the chip bribing case.

Olivia: Yes, we did, we're sorry. Please don't spank us, Clyde.

Clyde: I don't think you guys are sorry, you just got into trouble last week.

#Olivia's POV

I was honestly so scared when the boys pointed to their lap and motioned us to get it over with.

Clyde asked Eric to do it in their dorm instead. He nodded and left the room.

Clyde: Olivia, I want you to take off your leggings and your panties...

Olivia: Hell no, it hurts like shit!

Clyde: If it doesn't hurt you'll never learn your lesson.

Olivia: Ugh fine

Clyde: If you don't drop that fucking bad attitude, you're gonna get more punishments everyday . I don't think you want that, do you?

Olivia: No, sir.

Clyde: Quit sulking and get your ass over here.

So I laid down on his knee, gripping the sheets tightly, preparing for the spanks. Clyde laughed when he saw my ass still red from a few days before.

Clyde: Great, your reminder's still here. Now, let me make it more clear for you.

Olivia: No please, don't!

I was already in tears before he even started that damn shit.

Before I knew it, he was raining the hardest spanks on me. On my ass and my upper thighs, and specifically on my sit-spots. I burst into tears and tried not to scream.

Clyde: After SPANK this SPANK you're SPANK getting SPANK one SPANK in public!

Olivia: No please Clyde, it's so embarrassing.

Clyde: Listen I do not tolerate lying, cheating, drinking, or smoking. You broke all of them this month! Being embarrassed is one of the punishments.

Olivia: Ok, sir.

I did not want to be seen in public getting spanked! I moved and wriggled while Clyde pinned me tight in to his knees with his left leg.

Clyde: Stop moving!


(Just pretend there were 150, ok? 👌)

I'm now a fucking crying mess. Clyde pulled me into a tight hug.

Clyde: Babe, you know you deserve it, I love you, okay?

Olivia: I know, Clyde, I'm sorry.

Clyde: Your ass is nearly purple right now, don't move and I'll put on some lotion.

Olivia: Purple! What are you trying to do, kill me?

Clyde: Chill babe, it's fine. It'll remind you to be good every time you sit.

Olivia: Ugh fine

After he was done...

Clyde: Olivia be murgi in that corner for 30 minutes, then you can go to the mall with me.

I did the murgi punishment pose in the corner quietly as he said. I could literally hear him behind me laughing to himself and say, "What a good job I did with her ass heh 😈"

Ugh he's so annoying. At least he didn't spank me with a belt, OR his slide or Mr. Evil ruler.

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