౨ৎ opportunities ౨ৎ

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"Right so tell me everything," Phoebe says from the other side of the facetime.

I chuckle while blushing before i answer," Well i don't really know i mean it was all just perfect you know. I met him when he and walker were streaming then the next week he was at my school and we got paired for welcoming program. I don't know and after that we just realised we really liked each other."

"Awww that's so cutee!" She gushes.

I laugh a little before switching the topic on her. "So what's this about you and mr charlie bushnell?" I arch an eyebrow at her.

I see her face slowly turn red as her lips formed a tight line. "Okay, so you know how we are co-stars for the movie were currently filming?" I nod,gesturing for her to continue. "It's a rom-com! And i just couldn't help it he's so book boyfriend material and he's really sweet and funny and handsome too."

I smile at how she talked about him. I'm glad Phoebe had found someone she deserves it and more.

"I'm happy for you pheebs," I say at the end of her rant.

"This is so cool we both have boyfriends!" She exclaims.

"Yeah but it's only been 2 weeks since we've officially been together," Phoebe stays silent at this. Causing me to raise a question," How long have you been together?"

"...4 months." My jaw drops.

"4 months?? THATS INSANE," I honestly did not know that.

We continue the rest of the call catching up and planning when the next time we could meet up would be. Having this call with Phoebe was so refreshing for it to be just us again.

I woke up the next morning and checked my phone. Right now just the usual. Brady texts me good morning so i reply back. I love that he does that it means he thinks of me when he wakes up.
He told me he wanted to bring me around Lacey and show me around.

you are in love ౨ৎ - brady noonWhere stories live. Discover now