Twenty-Two || Trench and Instruments

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Oh, that's it!




In that moment, you swiftly folded both of your sleeves and gritted your teeth to cover up your annoyance, "Okay. Well, here I come, YOU ASSHO-!"


Things did not go as planned.

At the end of the day, you give in.

Why? It's not that you give up willingly; rather, it's because literally every kid in the village came running to you at the same time and begged you to teach them.

At that point, you realized you were trapped. Senku gave you a very smug grin when you turned to face him, as if to say; 'I'm still the Ishigami Village's chief. Of course the people here will do what I say.'

Thus, here you are, educating the kids.

"(Name)-nee! What're you going to teach us today?" A few young girls eagerly stared at you, while the others engaged in small talk about what new knowledge they would gain today.

"Ah, good question." You chuckled uncomfortably before sitting down, "In your opinion, what should I talk about?"

As of right now, you had the same height as them. It is ideal to avoid standing up when teaching youngsters since it portrays authority.

"Hmm, do you have something you like, (Name)-nee?" A black-haired boy leaned forward.

'Something I like?' Your brows were furrowed slightly when you thought about it. Eventually, a faint smile appeared on your lips.


"Then maybe you could teach us that." After one of the boy's friends piped up, there was a loud chorus of agreement around the area.

With that, you clapped twice to silence them before continuing, "Alright. I'll tell you about my favorite topic; the ocean."


Sure, these primitives live near the beach, but they probably had no idea what's in the ocean, so you planned to tell them about it.

"Now, when I say 'ocean', what term comes to mind?" You started.

Instantly, several children raised their hands at once.

"Our home."

"The ocean is probably flat."

"It's boring! When the fisherman go fishing, we children aren't allowed to go along with them!"

"Clearly, the ocean gives us food."

"We rely on the ocean to survive."

"The color of it is light blue, just like the sky."

"We always have a good time at the ocean, of course."

To be honest, you were pleased with their answers. It's what you wanted them to think and what you expected from children their age.

They believed that the ocean's color, purpose, and surface were its only unique traits.

"Oh, wow! Good answers, kids. I'm impressed." You smirked confidently, earning cheers from them before they settled down again, ready to listen to you.

"Well, do you kids know that the ocean isn't just flat?" You raised an eyebrow. The kids' reactions were, of course, different. There were many who were just curious, those who were confused, and others who refused to believe a word you had just spoken.

ALL ROLE [Ishigami Senku x Reader]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat