Silver and gold. (5)

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William was feeling a little nosey as he snooped through Efia's stuff, only partially listening to the excited rambles of Abigail and the slightly strained responses from Efia herself. It seemed his Little Miss was not fond of lying to her friends. He wasn't either, but surely the promise of money was enough to kill the bad taste in her mouth? 

"Effie, what's the colour scheme? I need to know what colour dress I'm wearing." Abigail wouldn't be caught dead in mauve or any shades of orange. Hideous.

"Gold." Efia said on the spot.

"Silver." William said, at the same time. Flicking through a worn out copy of A FEAST FOR CROWS by GRRM. She must love these books; they're falling apart at the seams, he sneered to himself. A bookworm baddie was such a funny thing to think about.

Efia gave William a disdainful glance over her shoulder, this wedding wasn't even going to happen and he was still grating on her nerves already? She felt like a bridezilla. Think about Daddy, Efia. Think about his treatments. Efia took a big breath in before hissing at William.

"Put that down. It can be silver and gold...nothing's set in stone yet." Efia smiled at her friend, happy to see that at least this brought joy to someone.

"Calm down, baby,"  William carefully put the book down on the table, "You're not really mad at me." William made his way back over to Efia and Abigail, hoping to maybe find some time to snoop through Efia's study materials later. He knew it was wrong to stand so close behind Efia as an intimidation tactic, but it didn't even seem to work on her so he kept doing it anyway.

"I'm not mad, but you will be sorry very soon." Efia's voice was hard as steel and William scoffed at Efia thinking she could threaten him.

"Oh my god," Abigail made a face, "I think I miss when you two pretended to hate eachother, this is so weird to me...flirting and everything."

"This isn't even the peak of it." William chuckled to himself when his hand crept down, intent of grabbing Efia's (oddly appealing) arse again just to piss her off only to get swatted away, "She's always so...chatty. I bet if I hadn't given her a silver ring without asking she'd argue." William was really playing this up, knowing his academic rival was practically on the brink of having steam come out her ears. Efia folded her arms over her chest, staring straight forwards at Abigail not giving William any attention.

"I hate silver, but the art of marriage is compromise. My mother told me that once." Efia needed to find a way to kick William out of her room. She didn't want to see him when it wasn't 100% necessary; now that she had to see him at all, she had to limit it to only when appearances demanded it.

"Wait," Abigail opened her phone and scrolled through it for a second, "I'm late for a date! Oh my god. I'm sorry Effie I have to go!" Efia couldn't hide the frown on her face as her friend prepared to leave, she wanted to reach out to her and get her to stay so she wouldn't be trapped with a grinning arsehole, but Abigail was a good friend; she would definitely cancel this date for her, and what if she really liked the guy?

Efia did a little sigh, doing her usually kissy-kissy noise with Abigail before the ginger girl scrambled away out the door. As it shut behind her, she felt like her back was to the enemy. William kicked off his shoes before sitting on her bed, the weight of him causing it to creak as Efia turned, kicked his shoes away with one swoop of her left foot, and stood in front of him, arms still crossed. He scowled at the idea of her damaging his £100 office-type shoes.

"You damage those, you'll have to pay for them. I don't think you can afford that, Little Miss Crossed-Arms." William's amusement deepened, as his eyes travelled up to Efia's, when he realised this was probably what Efia felt like everyday--- looking up at someone taller than you. Efia seemed like a girl made to be tall, attitude and all, but as a way to humble her God sat down and made her a munchkin.  The ends of Efia's hair brushed his cheeks and the faint floral cinnamon scent that hugged her form  seemed to encapsulate him, as she sneered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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