Chapter 14

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It's now midnight and Ivan, Becs and Laya have gone to bed. No, I don't know why and how Jett is still up. By this point, Cooper, Indi, Nath and I are quite drunk and Jett is most likely a bit tipsy only because I am trying not to let him drink.  

That's when I see Jett open a cruiser, I jump up from my seat on the ground and stubble my way over to him. "Jett, what do you think you are doing?" he looks like a deer caught in headlights. "Um, getting myself another drink" "I don't think so Jett" "Why not Alice, it's so unfair" I felt the tiniest bit mean. But I know I can't always be his brother fun best friend, sometimes I need to be thinking about him. 

"Look Jett, I'm sorry but you have had enough for one day." he just looks at me with his puppy eyes. Shit, I might have to compromise here to get the best for the both of us. "Ok fine Jett, you can have 1 more drink and once your finished and I'll tuck you into bed." I knew this would work because I know I will be seen as fun and he gets to have another drink and have me put him in bed. "Ok fine."

About 30 minutes later Jett comes up to me telling me that he has finished his drink. By this point I had about 3 more drinks so I was definitely drunk drunk and this was only the start of the drinking. "Ok, lets get you off to bed then." I walk him to his room but he insists on going to the toilet first which it 100% fair. Once he is finished I help him to his room and he gets changed while I grab him some water and painkillers. He is in bed by the time I get back, so I tuck him in and kiss him on the forehead and cuddle him for a bit because I know how hard it is to get to sleep when I have been drinking. It's so nice to have the Clearys as family because I never had my own siblings. As awful as it sounds I see Ivan and Becs as more of parents than mine. No hate to mine, it's just from such a young age they have always been going on holidays and getting the Clearys to look after me. I get on with them it's just that they were never there. I don't blame them for it, but sometimes I wish they remembered that I was just a kid who wanted to be with her parents more. "I love you Alice" this almost made me cry, he is the nicest kid ever. Iv and Becs sure do know how to raise their kids right. "Oh Jetty, I love you too. Goodnight, sleep well."

Now it is about 2 in the morning and lets say we are mostly gone. We are trying to still play games while being quite, which is a lot easier said than done. We are playing a beer pong which is a classic with what piss we have left, Nath and I are a team vs Coop and Indi. Each team has one cup left. Nath takes a shoot, it hits the rim but doesn't make it, Coop take a shot and misses. Shit move it is my turn, the room is spinning, I can barley stand up how tf am I meant to make this shot. Since I am going to miss anyway I should just cover my eyes. I do so and take the shot, then all you can hear is screaming and then I am being picked up. Nathan is holding me and jumping around, I grab onto him tight round the neck because I scared that he is going to drop me. "OMG DID I MAKE THAT?" "YES YOU DID ALI" "HOLY SHIT" all I can do is hug him so tight. We quickly stop celebrating and shut up because we just remembered that we aren't at our house. 

Soon after than we had run out of the alcohol that Cooper had brought with him, WTF how have we that was like 6 boxes of like 20packs, surely we haven't drunk that much, that's mental. "Nath should I grab some more drinks from the garage fridge?" "Sure Ali, do you want help" "Yes please Nath" I grab his hand and stumble out to the garage to get more drinks. Suddenly I trip over and drag Nath down with me. He lands right on-top of me, our faces are so close that I can feel his breathe on my lips.

I wake up with an extreme headache,  I try to move but I can feel something wrapped around my waist. I open my eyes very fast and see a shirtless Nathan with messy hair in the same bed as me...

a/n:Hey guys, I know crazy I am alive and there is an update for you. I hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it. As always make sure that if you have any ideas for the future of the story to let me know. Thanks for the support xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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