Ayah: We're leaving after next week. So you'll have time to pack your stuff, and say bye to your classmates and friends.

Ali: Ok, ayah, thank you. I'll be coming home now from Viktor's place. See you at home.

Ayah: See you at home ali, bye. *ends the call*

Ali soon hanged up the call. He put on his shoes again and took out his modified skateboard. He then soon headed home while thinking about his last memories that he'll have with Viktor.

Ali:*thinking to himself* I actually can't believe that I'm leaving Cyberraya for good, welp I can just say to Viktor anyways and to Miss Punah as well since I won't be in her class anymore.

I definitely ain't saying goodbye to my Uncle or Alicia or my other MATA friends for my own personal reasons... but where is Rintis Island, hmmm? I better go and check it out on the internet.

*A week went by*

Ali then soon packed all of his stuff and even the gadgets he made, though he's not sure if he can bring them on a plane but in case an attack, he'll just hide it securely. He soon cleared almost everything from his bedroom. It was completely empty with the help of his dad....it really didn't look like his room anymore.

He then soon got ready for school since this week will be his last day at his school and to ever see his friend Viktor again. He got downstairs, fed comot, and headed off to school. He already told comot that we were permanently leaving Cyberraya, so she gets the memo.

He soon arrived at Zali Mart and headed inside. He looked for his canned drink and a morning breakfast or lunch for his school. He soon got a strawberry flavored drink and some type of ramen snack bag, not much of a breakfast choice, but hey, a kid got to eat something. Oh, he also got his chocolate bar.

Ali: That should be all. Oh wait, I'm missing something. *looks around the aisle and fownd the candy tower* Ah! There it is.
He soon took the lollipops and headed to the counter, and paid for his items.

Now he can go to school without any problems....

???: Ali!

Ali turns around to see who calls his name.

Ah! Yes, it was none other than Ej. Karya and his uncle.

Ali*to himself* Ah.... Shit! I'm fucked.

Ali: Um, hi....Ej. Karya and U-Uncle. What a nice day to see you right...hehe would you like at the time, I got to go to school now....bye guys.

Karya: Ali, we need to talk to.

Ali: Can it wait, I'll be late to so.....

Bakar: No, Ali, we need to talk... right now!

Ali pov's: Oh Fxck, uncle looks pissed off....I need to go...like an escape.

Ali: Uh, can't talk now bye now! *escapes with his speed boost shoes activated*

Karya and Bakar: Shit! We need to follow him.

Ali now has made it to school, and he's not a minute too soon late.

Ali:*phew* I made it just in time, and I don't see any agents around, so it's all good.

He then heads into his classroom for his morning class, and he notices that no one else has arrived, so he has enough time to make a note to Miss Punah telling her that he's permanently moving away now.

Ali: *sigh* I'm gonna miss this place. Oh well, I hope my new place will be good.
*places the note on Miss Punah's desk*

He then arrives at his desk and places his school supplies for the last time.

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