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Before Rhea could even reply Harry had already grabbed the broken time-turner and her along with it as he dashed through the hallway away from the four people who were talking and it looked like they were friends, close friends at that.

"Wait.! Don't those guys look familiar to you?" Rhea had asked Harry as she glanced back but after Harry hadn't replied she just gave up on trying to talk to him.

As they walked through the halls Rhea couldn't help but take in her surroundings, everything looked happier, if that was even possible. Though Rhea noticed where they were going, dumbldors office, of course.

She had rolled her eyes and tugged her arm back, as she kept up the pace with the other boy. She didn't speak to him after that and Harry didn't mind that.

When they arrived it almost went like a blur in Rhea's mind, she didn't want to listen to either of them, all the headmaster did was praise Harry for being himself, it was stupid in Rhea's eyes.

She had caught onto some pieces of what was going on, something about the year? Apparently, it was currently 1975, which was why Harry was freaking out over the necklace cause that's what had brought them here.

Another thing, they had a set of rules that they had to follow, as Dumbledore tried to find a way back home.

1.) They had to blend in

2.) not to cause any disruption

3.) not tell anyone who they were

They were going to stay in their assigned dorm while the rest of the teachers figured out a solution so they could still learn without the other students getting suspicious. "Are you always like this?" Harry finally spoke up as they had left the office.

"What?" Rhea said as her brows furrowed in confusion, was she always like what?

"When things get tough, you space out." Harry further explained himself while Rhea looked away with a small scowl.

"It's not my fault, things like this don't happen.. at least not to me Mr. Chosen one." Rhea had said with an eye roll as she had picked up her speed to get ahead of him but Harry wasn't about to let her just wander off.

"Could you wait! Merlin.." Harry shouted out after her as he matched her speed and then some to get to her, even then she still kept up a vigorous pace, and before Harry or Rhea could say anything else they were back where everything had originated.

The Great Hall, apparently they hadn't missed much since they basically went back in time to the exact time in the future, still morning, still breakfast, still the boring old weekend they had left in as neither of them could go to Hogsmeade, but Harry had his ways, he always did.

They had both walked into the Hall all the other tables were busy going about their day not even noticing them walk in. Harry kept trying to get her to stop, to talk to her about what just happened, she needed to know that she absolutely could not interfere with this timeline or their lives would be messed up when they got back.

Oh, Rhea knew, but she found it stupid, their lives were already messed up, the dark lord was still alive and gaining power, and no one cared. It annoyed her to no end but she understood that if she did mess with anything they would have no idea what they would go back to.

"I know for god's sake! I won't do anything, do you take me for a child?" Rhea said as she brushed off Harry's harm that reached out to grab her as she turned around in a hushed voice, though it didn't really matter, everyone else was busy talking amongst themselves.

"Yes." Harry replied blankly and before he could justify himself Rhea had already rolled her eyes and was at the Slytherin table. Harry just let out a groan as he walked over to his respective table.

All the headmaster had said was that they could just act like themselves, he would take care of the rest. Sitting at their house tables couldn't do any harm, right?

Wrong. As soon as Harry had sat down he was approached by the men who had pulled Rhea and him apart, they all looked oddly familiar but Harry couldn't remember for the life of them where he'd seen them.

"You good mate? That girl had you pinned." The one with glasses had said as he sat down next to Harry, he had a similar skin tone to Harry's as well, as the one with longer black hair sat on the other side, the other two that had walked up after the scuffle with him and Rhea sat across from them.

"Leave the poor boy alone Prongs." The one across from them had spoken up as he wore what looked like a shit-eating grin, he also had faint scares around his face, which was quite interesting to Harry, as well as the use of 'Prongs', the name sounded familiar to him..

"It's true though, you know what weird though, I've never even seen them around before!" The longer-haired guy had spoken up, talking about Rhea and him like Harry wasn't even there as three of them men began to eat, while the one that had scars was reading a book instead.

"You're just too hard-headed to acknowledge anyone new." Bookman had spoken up again as he sipped on what looked like either tea or coffee, everything was just so confusing to Harry, who were these people surrounding him now.

".. I should go." Harry had finally spoken up as he moved to stand up, to sit somewhere else but the long-haired man had put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him back down.

"What? But we just got here, I wanna know what happened! Is that Slytherin your girlfriend?" He had asked while Harry mentally gagged, no wait, physically as well as he shook his head.

"No, just ew.. technically we're siblings." Harry had clarified to the men while they looked interested now as they began to ask him more and more questions, while across the hall was Rhea.

Even from all the way on the last table she could see how well he was fitting in, or that's just what she perceived, she couldn't hear what they were saying but she could only imagine.

As she ate her breakfast which was just some hash-browns as she wasn't that hungry, Time travel really made you lose your appetite, Rhea thought more and more about the past or well now and, she wished she had paid more attention during history or anytime McGonagall had gone on about her 'early days' which seemed like it began in the dinosaur age, or again.. now.

Did she still teach here? Who would be the potions teacher? Rhea knew some kids' parents went here, her dad went here, she knew that as well. She couldn't meet him for obvious reasons.

It would disrupt everything, plus she didn't want to meet him. She understood in the future, aka her present that Sirius had gone through some stuff like getting the blame pinned on him for his best friend's death, and spending his life in Azkaban.

Though after he you know, got out, you would think he would want to see his daughter, his only kid that he had left in America, well away from the wizarding war so she wouldn't get involved. No, he goes and gawks at Harry, every time he can get the chance.

It's the only piece you have of your friend, yeah, yeah, but your child? Ignoring her over a kid who's gotten his whole life handed to him while she had practically nothing, he's one of the richest kids, the reason Griffindor gets so much hype, and for god's sake, he fought an ogre in his first year! How could Rhea ever compare to that..

In everyone else's eyes she was just another pure-blood that was gonna turn like the rest of them.


Heyyyy so first real chapter, GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS FOR ANY IDEAS YOU GUYS MIGHT HAVE.. but yeah i really like the idea of the marauders era, i jaunts havent read that much fanfics of them, though im doing my research i SWEAR, if anything looks wrong please let me knowwwww.

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