The alarms seemed to grow louder and louder as the flashing lights sped up, the noise and lights reaching near-overwhelming levels. Tommy and Wanda felt like they couldn't go any faster as they ran, their hearts beating out of their chests and their legs burning with the effort. However, they kept going, refusing to let themselves stop and be delayed.

However Tommy came to a halt as he heard the sound of fighting approaching from around a corner, stopping Wanda who was behind him in her track. He immediately motioned for her to be quiet, putting his finger to his lips to emphasize this. Wanda nodded in understanding ,and they both peeked around the corner to see what was going on...

Wanda let out a loud gasp at the scene unfolding before her.


Bucky and Yelena had split up in their quest to rescue the girls, Bucky taking the south wing whereas Yelena had taken the north wing. Bucky was currently fighting off six Red Room Guards, and he was holding his own but it was a daunting task. They were strong and agile, and there were six of them attacking him at once. Three of the guards had pinned him down, while another guard held a gun to his head. Bucky was put in a dire situation and he wasn't sure how to get out of it.

Bucky closed his eyes as the guard began to pull the trigger, certain that he was going to die with tremendous guilt, considering that he hadn't been able to save his nieces.

However, as time passed without the bullet being fired, he eventually plucked up the courage to open his eyes again.
He went wide-eyed when he spotted the glows of red coming from the corner, which promptly knocked out all six guards. He looked in the direction the glow had come from and saw Wanda standing there.

He jumped up and ran towards her,

"Bucky" Wanda cried as she practically dived into her uncles arms.

Bucky let out a heavy breath of relief as he finally got to hold his niece in his arms once more. He had been waiting for this moment for nearly three months, and it felt like he could breathe again. "Hey kiddo, you okay? Are you hurt?" He asked concerned as he pulled away from her and began to check her over for injuries.

"No no I'm okay" she whispered
"But you almost died Uncle Buck"

"I was lucky you came to save the day" Bucky told her as he gave her a small smile before pulling her back into a hug.

Wanda wrapped her arms around him tightly for the first time in months she finally felt safe.

"I hate to break this really sweet moment but we need to keep moving" Tommy spoke up as he stopped out from around the corner.

"Whose this?" Bucky asked as he looked down at his niece.

"The gum on my shoe I can't shake off"
She teased.

"Haha Wanda glad you have humor in a time like this" Tommy replied sarcastically.

"No need to be so sensitive Tj" Wanda chuckled as she reluctantly stopped hugging her uncle, as safe as she felt in the hug she knew they had to keep going. "Bucky you remember Ava Jay telling us about her big brother?"

"Thomas?" Bucky raised an eyebrow as he looked the boy up and down.

"Yep. Thomas meet Bucky, Bucky meet Thomas. Great you're introduced let's keep going"

"I thought Thomas was dead?" Bucky said confused.

"I'm dead on the inside" the boy shrugged.

"It's a long story not for now" Wanda told him and Buck nodded understandingly as he gave the boy a small smile.

"We need to find AJ. Yelena found the other widows but she wasn't with them, they thought she might be with you two" Bucky informed the pair, repeating what he had heard Yelena just voiced through the comms .

"No she's not we haven't seen her" Wanda frowned.

"Shit. Shit. Shit" Tommy mumbled under his breathe as he started to run.

"What?" Wanda called after him.

"Jonah's Lab!" Tj yelled back as he continued running in the direction of the lab.

"Shit" It was Wanda's turn to panic as she grabbed Buckys hand and took of running after the boy.

A/N: One kid found, one more to go😎
Wanda saving the day💪
Thank you for reading🫡

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