The Bad Guys 4:

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The Bad Guys x Male Police Commissioner Reader:

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The Bad Guys x Male Police Commissioner Reader:

Reader Info:Your name is "(Y/N) Gumshoos" and you are the commissioner of the California Police and you take your job very seriously

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Reader Info:
Your name is "(Y/N) Gumshoos" and you are the commissioner of the California Police and you take your job very seriously.

You will not rest until any criminal you pursue is put away behind bars.

You are feared by most criminals for not only your relentless pursuit, but also your Exreme physical strength.

You are so strong you're able to kick a car around like a soccer ball, your skull is so hard you're able to bust through brick walls and your jaws and teeth are strong your bite can shred through metal.

Not to mention you had quite the temper on you, like serious anger management problems.

Heck your fellow police officers feared you as you'd often lose your temper and scream at them.

You did feel bad for doing this though and would often go to therapy to try and tame your anger.

So far nothing has been working.

You were still an angry old grump, but you're really a good person and simply want what's best for the city.

Something that didn't help with your temper was none other than the Master Thief "The Crimson Paw."

The Crimson Paw:

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The Crimson Paw:

She was the one criminal you could never catch, you had gotten close quite a few times, but she always managed to just slip through your fingers.

You swore she treated your many chases like a game, constantly teasing and flirting with you and you hated it.

Not only was she constantly escaping you, she treated you like a joke and you vowed to catch her one day.

That day unfortunately would never come as the Crimson Paw just simply vanished and thus she'd be your greatest shame.

The one criminal you could never bring in and that didn't help with your rage at all.

You tried to forget about it but it was always in the back of your mind.

In the present you're relentlessly pursuing a group of criminals known simply as "The Bad Guys."

The Bad Guys:

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The Bad Guys:

They were less competent than the Crimson Paw, but quite slippery in their own right.

As a Mongoose you had a particular hatred for the Snake and would consider catching him alone a major victory for you.

Seriously, you couldn't stand the slithery bastard and you knew he felt the same about you.

You were gonna make sure these Bad Guys were behind bars no matter what.


You have the voice of Ira Gamagori from the English dub of Kill La Kill:

Love Interest:

Diane Foxington:The city Governor Diane Foxington

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Diane Foxington:
The city Governor Diane Foxington.

Ever since you saw her you couldn't help but be suspicious of her, there was just something about her that seemed so eerily familiar but you couldn't place your finger on it.

Diane for some reason would often come visit you at work or at home to talk and hang out.

You don't know why the City Governor is choosing to hang out with you of all people, but this did give you a chance to get to know her and maybe find out why you're so suspicious of her.

There we go.

Now the reason I chose the Reader to be a Gumshoos is because was based off Detective Gumshoe and I found that Pic of a Gumshoos and well I couldn't not use it.

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