The Legend of Zelda:

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Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom x Male Gerudo Reader:

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Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom x Male Gerudo Reader:

Reader Info:Every 100 years a single Male Gerudo is born and that male is destined to rule the Gerudo

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Reader Info:
Every 100 years a single Male Gerudo is born and that male is destined to rule the Gerudo.

So far, every male Gerudo that was born had been a reincarnation of the Demon King Demise.

Filled with darkness and hatred.

However, after many many many years, it seems that finally this would not be the case.

For you, (Y/N) the most recent male Gerudo seem to have no darkness or hatred in your heart.

Instead you strove to do your best as future ruler of the Gerudo and you had the full support of your little sister Riju.


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Unfortunately your time to be chief of the Gerudo came sooner than you had hoped.

Your and Riju's mother died and you were forced to take up the role of chief at a very young age as well as pilot the Divine Beast Vah Naboris.

Vah Naboris:

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Vah Naboris:

It was a lot of responsibility for someone so young, but you vowed you would not let your people down.

It was hard, and your duties kept you from spending time with your little sister, but she understood you needed to lead.

You do have doubts about your ability to rule but try not to let it get to you and remain strong.

You care deeply for your people and want what's best for them.

You come off as rather stoic to strangers but you're far more open to those that are close to you such as your sister.

Your fighting style is brutal and precise, armed with twin scimitar in any battle you do not hold back against anything, which makes training with you impossible.

Let's see your story unfold.

Theme song:

Love Interest:


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


There we go.

See ya'll later and have a good day.

Future Stories, Ideas and Suggestions for anyone to try out if they want part 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum