The Detailed Version

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Once everyone came in we sat on the couch and started talking all of a sudden the question came up and Hermione and Daphne asked me " What actually happened that night in 5th year ?"
it caught me by suprisise becuase I thought they would ask something like that and I know that obviously they don't know as much as Pansy becuase Pansy was with me but I thought they knew enough about what happened to not ask me this but in my heart and head I knew I would have to tell them someday and I guess that someday is today

" Um i'll tell you guys soon just let me put Bella to sleep first" I said

Once I said this I picked up bella and went upstairs. I think they could tell that I was a bit skeptical to tell them about it but they knew in the end I would.

Now Bella was asleep so I made my way downstairs to the living room and saw them all sitting there chatting quietly and the stopped as soon as they saw me.

So I decided to start the story at that morning " On the day that I left in the morning I woke up and ran to the bathroom needing to vomit. It was very rare for me to vomit at all so I was a bit worried.

While I was throwing up Pansy came to me in the bathroom and helped me and once I was done Pansy asked if I was ok and what was wrong but I had no clue so then pansy said to me that I should take a pregnancy test just in case and for precautions and so I thought sure why not it woasnt like I was pregnant or so I thought.

Later that morning me and pansy went to the store and brought a pregnancy test and I was very worried and overthinking everything I was saying what if I am pregnant ? will Mattheo still be with me ? how will Theo react? what will happen to me? and etc. but I tried to calm myself down becuase I obviously didn't know the answer yet.

Once I got back from the shops with pansy I went to the bathroom and took the test then I went back outside to pansy and waiting a couple minutes. Once the amount of time had passed I grabbed the test and sat next to Pansy and slowly flipped it around to see and it said that it was positive and that I was pregnant...

The second I saw this I broke out in tears and overthought everything and was completely breaking down infront of pansy until pansy said to me that no matter what she would be there for me and never leave my side and she promised that.

After Pansy said that she would always be there for me I began to calm down. Around an hour later I said to pansy that I wanted to go tell Mattheo the news and see what his reaction was so she said ok and asked me if I wanted her to come along and I did.

Pansy and I were walking down the hallway towards the boys dorms and saw Draco and Theo on the way and said hi and as we made our way to the dorm we heard some um.... noises" I said on the verge of tears and nobody else except pansy knew the details of this part yet but I knew I had to keep it together.

Warning: One word is mentioned that people might want to pass

As tears started to stream down my face I began to talk again and say "when Pansy and I heard those noises we thought nothing much of it until we started walikng closer and closer to Mattheo and Draco's dorm and as we got there the noise got louder and louder.

For a second I thought maybe it's draco but I remembers how I saw him already before and I was about to start crying but I thought let me make sure first so I opened the door with Pansy and couldn't belive my eyes.

Inside the dorm was Mattheo and...." I stopped talking for a second and looked at daphne with tears streaming down my face and said "Mattheo and your sister, Astoria on Mattheos bed having S*x" as I said this couldn't hold it anymore and just started to bawl my eyes out. I could tell everyone was shocked except pansy becuase all they knew was that Mattheo cheated on me they didn't know with who or anything.

Once I started to slow down my crying I started to speak again and said " When I saw this they heard the door open and Mattheo yelled " draco get out" and turned to look at the door and saw me standing there with tears in my eyes and pansy next to me with her jaw dropped open.

As that happened Mattheo quickly covers him and Astoria up and ran over to me saying a billion things but I just ignored it and turned around with pansy and slammed the door.

Then I fell to the ground in tears becuase I was pregnant with his baby and just got cheated on by him when I actually thought he would be the one I could spend the rest of my life with. Once this happend pansy brought me back to our dorm and placed me on my bed and told me that she was going to pack our bags and that we would leave tonight and that she would look after me forever and make sure everything is ok and then that's when we left and never looked back" I said as my tears started to stop

I looked around the room and saw Enzo about to Cry, Hermione and Ginny about to also cry coming over to me to give me a hug and Daphne sat there in shock that her sister was who Mattheo cheated on me with and that's the reason why I left.

I could see the way that everybody was shocked and hurt by what happened and the truth so I said to them " but i'm over it now and i'm so happy to have all of you guys" as the brought hem all into a hug

A/N sorry for such the long paragraphs but I hope you understand what happened the day that olivia left with pansy

I need you but you hurt me ~ Mattheo Riddle Endgame ~ Where stories live. Discover now