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Lost that's how Cody felt he felt lost like a piece of him was missing. The whole time Cody was gone for those six long months all he could think about was Kalli. Every single one of his thoughts was about her and he couldn't take it anymore so he decided he needed a distraction, he needed a change so Stardust was born.

Cody used the time he was away to perfect his new name and look so much so that he got lost in it but at least he did what he wanted to which was distract himself from Kalli, but at a cost. Cody thought tag teaming with his brother would be a nice change.

Stardust was charismatic, spontaneous, and unpredictable he was everything that Cody wasn't he was better than Cody and if Cody couldn't have Kalli then maybe Stardust could and he would.

when Cody returned as Dustin's tag partner they didn't automatically announce Cody's return or them partnering up with them and the company wanted to build up to the reveal. so while that was happening, Cody or Stardust started; having little things for Kalli.

first, it was the roses then it became the love notes of some sort, watching from afar he saw the way she blushed reading the notes and the way she played with the petals of the roses which he remembered black roses were her favorite.


Kalli ran down the hall sprinting to the gorilla her heart beating out of her chest, she was in disbelief. it couldn't be Cody she had to be losing her mind, he left for six months without a word, but she couldn't be completely upset she did tell him that they had to keep their distance.

However, she meant that he had to drop off the face of the earth entirely. kalli stopped the gorilla panting and looking around that maybe he was still there, she was beginning to lose hope until she met eyes him.

"Cody!" Kalli hugged him and buried her head in his neck taking in the feeling of having Cody back but when she pulled away to look up at him he didn't have his usual Cody smile.

"I'm not Cody, pretty lady I'm Stardust" Cody said with a smirk on his face and chuckling down at Kalli while holding her by her waist.

"Very funny, now for real Cody where have you been the last six months? I know I said we needed to keep our distance but I didn't you just up and disappeared." Kalli let out a half-hearted laugh while staring back at Cody.

Kalli noticed his face was completely serious she backed away giving him a questionable look and pulled away from Cody putting distance between them.

"dont back away from baby cakes, Cody wasn't good enough so changes had to be made." Kalli looked stunned and concerned at what Cody had just said.

"I dont want Stardust, I want  my Cody." Kalli walked off down the hall her strides long and determined to get somewhere so she wouldn't feel the need to cry.

She lost Cody just to get him back and he wasn't even himself anymore, she couldn't think what gave him the idea that she didn't want him the real him the him that she loved. Once Kalli was back in her dressing room she let out a yell of frustration and pushed the wall.

Kalli didn't know what to do her world was already cracking around her knowing that Cody had lost himself she felt like it was ending, she lost the one person who made her happy and appreciated but now she wasn't sure if she would ever get him back.

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