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HZ: bro what the hell..
E: well let's get really.
HZ: we didn't ask where tho
E: text her and tell her to tell us the address
HZ: okay.

I texted her because I need to know where to go.and she responded to me quickly.

HZ: okay it's ——————————
E: okay I'll put that in the gps.
T: Ooo are y'all going somewhere?
HZ: yeah we are going to meet our mother
T: fun.
E: very.

We got ready and got in Ethen's car because he is older and his car is nicer. And I put the address in the caps in the car.

HZ: okay here we go.
E: ngl I'm kinda scared
HZ: some tbh.

We took a 2  hour long car ride and I just slept most of the ride.because I always love to sleep.

E: we are almost here. Get something to protect ourselves if anything happens.
HZ: okay

We knocked on the door. I have a gun in my side just in case of we need it for self defense.

Rm(real mom): hi?
E: we are Ethan and hazel.
Rm: omg! Hello! Come in!
HZ: we kinda have to go soon we live hours away.
Rm: oh alright! I have some pictures of yall when yall were little. Do yall wanna see them?
HZ: yeah.
E: yeah.
Rm: ok let me go get them.

She showed us the picture of us when we were little.

HZ: awe I was the cutest!
E: bullshit.

She looked a little familiar. A little too familiar. Both of the 'children' knew it.

HZ: do you mind if I ask your full name?
Rm: uh yeah. It Paris Hilton...
E: what the fu-
HZ: wait we are related to you?
Rm: uh yeah surprisingly yeah.
HZ: wait can we change last names to yours?
Rm: maybe I will see what I can do.
E: we have to go soon because it's getting dark.
Rm: okay keep in touch.
HZ: okay. Maybe you can move to Frankfurt with us but not in the same house.
Rm: maybe. See yall soon.byee.
E&HZ: byee

Third person pov:
Hazel and Ethan made it back home and by the time they made it home Harper was already asleep and Tom was at his house so the two siblings just went to their own room and did there routines and then went to bed.

Woah.. I really didn't plan this out I just gone with the flow so sorry if it's bad. And sorry that I haven't been updated I just finished my state tests. And I was very busy but I hope I can publish move chapters now and also I'm making new books rn so yeah. Byeee.💗
-Ansley 🎀


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