~ F*CK NO ~

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up extra early this morning due to a sudden meeting called by the Seraphims. Specifically Sera.

I got out of bed shutting up the annoying ringing of the clock in the process and went to the restroom. I entered the restroom connecting to my bedroom and grabbed the brush as I began brushing the messy bird's nest of my (L/H) (C/H) hair.

After I was finished with containing my hair into a ponytail (if you want) And began grooming the feathers of my wings to make them look a bit better.

Once I had finished getting ready I exited my house and flew to the meeting room where we had meetings. I was surprised Sera and Emily wanted a meeting so soon since I expected them to want a break after they got back from their visit to hell.

But oh well I guess.

I entered the room and quietly sat in my spot, after everyone arrived Sera stood in front of us.

The room consisted of Sera, Emily by her side, Lute, and Adam who came last and sat next to me despite the Jealous look of Lute. I was a bit confused why he sat next to me but I shrugged it off. There were also some other angels I didn't know.

Sera began talking in her calm reassuring tone, "After our brief visit to hell, we have decided to send an angel to the Redemption Hotel, lead my Lucifer's daughter, Charlotte, to supervise if it is worthy of giving a shot. We want the angel to supervise if the demons are determined to the path of redemption."

She paused for a brief moment, "I will not be sending any in-control angels, such as Adam for example. In means, not making the demons feel threatened or intimidated. So I have decided that Y/N should go," Sera said turning to me, "Y/N, you will be leaving tomor-" She was interrupted by hands slamming on the table, and an angered voice.

"Why does Y/N HAVE to go!!? The demons won't hesitate to hurt a small thing like her!" Adam said standing up- practically yelling. 'Jeez... I'm not that small,' I thought as my face deadpanned. 

"We cannot send a major figure in means to intimidate them, I cannot send you because you will not hesitate to burn thou down if someone looks at you wrong, and I cannot send Lute for the same reason," Sera explained calmly, dismissing the other angels, including Lute, out of the meeting with a wave of the hand.

They left, leaving me, an angry Adam, Emily, and Sera alone.

"Then send some other random angel! Not Y/N! She's too innocent to go down there! I will not allow this bullshit!!" He yelled again, I was confused about why Adam cared so much. He had been a dick to me since he met me and now he just suddenly cares? Odd. And innocent? What's that supposed to mean?

"That is not your choice to make Adam," Emily calmy butt in, and pointed her hand at me, "That's hers." Sera spoke after, "If she doesn't want to go then we will choose another angel for the job," Emily nodded as if they had discussed this option before.

They all looked at me, Adam with a sorta desperate look, I slightly grimaced from the sudden attention. I gulped and spoke.

"I don't see a problem. I can go," I said calmly looking at Sera with Emily smiling next to her.

"What?! You could get hurt, you dumbass! Ya'know how many cannibals who would die to eat an angel's wing!?" Adam yelled getting interrupted by Sera this time.

"Enough Adam. Y/N has spoken and she is going," Emily turned to me, "Meet me and Sera here tomorrow morning okay?" I nodded. 

Emily grabbed a stack of papers and handed them to me, "Read through these tonight, they'll help you on you're visit!" She said with her signature smile, I smiled and nodded in response.

Adam grumbled, quietly cussing under his voice. Soon, everyone stood up and left, while I was leaving I began reading through the pages.

Most of it so far was just about the seven rings of hell, and what type of citizens lived in each. I thought Adam was being overdramatic when he said there were cannibals but no there actually were... let alone a WHOLE city of them. Great.

The fact I didn't know that tiny detail made it obvious Adam was right. I was too innocent. But I wanted to push threw this assignment. I knew it could be worth it. I just had to be careful of who I talked to.

So that night I read through most of the stack, although most of it was just negative comments, some of it was actually useful to know.

While I was criss-crossed on my big bed with most papers surrounding me, and my wings leaning lazily, I heard a knock at the door. I sighed and flew off the bed to not touch the papers, and walked downstairs. I opened the door and saw none other than Adam.

Why he was at my place at who knows at night? I have no clue.

He spoke first, "You don't need to go down there, it not worth it! Its dangerous!"

"Im aware Adam, I can handle it, I swear. I wont get hurt, I know that," He sighed at that and seemed to be thinking for a moment. 

"If you insist.. let me at least help you prepare."

I nodded and let him in. He was mean at times sure, but deep down I knew he was just trying to protect me.

That night we stayed up helping me prepare for the 'dangerous enviremont change' as worded by Adam himself.

He left a few hours later to let me sleep, while I was laying in bed I was thinking about his sudden mood change with me. I had wondered why he suddenly just became protective. I didn't hate it exactly. It was kinda comforting. But still really random.

I fell asleep thinking about it under my silk covers.

So what do you think of the first chapter? Hopefully something good :3


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