Chapter 9

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I climb onto the roof and see Brooklyn sitting there. I start walking towards her. I sit down next to her and she puts her head on my shoulder. We sat in silence watching the sunset, after the sun had set, we just sat there. I was going to get up and go to bed but she fell asleep with her head on me.I blush slightly, she looks really cute right now. Oh shit do I like her?
I look down at her sleeping on my shoulder,I think for a minute should I move her to bed then go to bed or leave her here or just stay here with her?I figure out my answer then I get up,carefully moving her off of me then I pick her up and carry her to the stairs. "Hey brooke wake up,"I say gently
"What?"She mumbles as I set her down.
"I didn't want to wake you but It's dark out and I can't carry you down the stairs."
"Okay"She said, rubbing her eyes,and walking down the stairs.she reached the bottom before i did,so when I reached the bottom she leaned into me and fell back asleep before I could take another step. She wraps her arms around me and puts her head on my shoulder. I carefully picked her up and brought her into the sleepy space. I carefully put her down in the bed.
"Don't go" She says in a very sleepy voice
"I'll only be gone for a minute,"I replied,and walked to the food cabinet. I grab a snack,eat it, then brush my teeth.I walk back into the sleepy space, and get into the bed.
"Finally your back,"she said groggily 
As I lay awake on my side she drifts towards me.She puts an arm around me and eventually she's fast asleep and  we are breathing sync.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE NEXT MORNING
I woke up the next morning with Alex on top of me. Her arms were wrapped around me and she wouldn't let go. "Alex let go, I need to get up." I say as I try to move her arms so I can get up. " Five more minutes" she mumbled while flipping on her side . "Fine, five more minutes," I reply as I see Alex sleeping next to me.
"Alex let go,I need to get up"I complained
"Noooo~"she says sounding needy
"Come on it's like 9am, I need to get up and so do you"
" just five more minutes pleaseeeeeee" she replies sleepily 
"Fine but then we have to get up ok" I say to her
"Ok fine" she says before closing her eyes and going back to sleep

"Alex,Brooklyn get up it's like 10 o'clock"Sammy said walking in
"Help meeeee......."I hissed
"Nope,bye"Sammy said flatly as she walked out
" AGH GOD DAMN IT"Brooklyn yells
"I'M GOING DOWN TO THE BEACH"I yell before grabbing a walkie talkie and leave the tree
"Okay take a walkie talkie"Darius yells back.
"Already got one." I say holding it up well walking away from the tree house.
"K,bye"Darius shouted
"Bye,"I shouted as I walked beyond the treeline.
Brooklyn was walking through the forest when a baryonyx showed up out of nowhere and Brooklyn ran for her life. When she loses the baryonyx she doesn't know where she is.
BROOKLYN'S GAY POV: om nom nom nom 🌳🦕
God damn it where am I? I start hyperventilating, my eyes start to water,and I fall to my knees. Come on Brooklyn, think,where the hell are you? The more I think the more my body fights against me. My heart is racing, my breathing is uneven, my eyes are making my brain hurt.I try to calm down only to pass out.

Where's Brooklyn? I can't find her anywhere so I ask Darius.
"Hey Dar?"
"What's up?"He asks me while still trying to find something to eat.
"Do you know where Brooklyn is?"
"Uhh... I think she went to the beach about three hours ago"He said calmly
"Oh  I hear myself now...Let's go find her" he says grabbing a walkie-talkie.I run to the girls bunk and grab two traq guns and 4 darts, a jacket, and a flashlight,I run back and write a note on a piece of paper that I found in the rubble and an old pen that I found in my duffel bag.
To Sammy, Yaz, And Ben
Me and Darius are out trying to find Brooklyn, be safe, we will be back before sundown hopefully with Brooklyn.
I leave the note on the table with a rock on the corner of it.Then we start searching for Brooklyn.

A/n 837 words
If you read last chapter (hopefully you did)the funny time skip was my editors doing
Also some of this chapter has some funny little things it's just me and my buddy messing around
Question:how you guys liking it so far?

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