Four: "𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩."

Start from the beginning

What if he's not any different than Landon?

We reach the bottom of the stairs and I halt as I involuntarily recall how Landon violated me. Dalaric walks further and then abruptly turns, his brows slightly furrowed. I now realize that I let go of his hand.

He can't be like Landon. Mr. Pretty saved me not once, but twice. And he bought me food and drove me home. My own mother doesn't buy me food or wrap the wounds that she creates.

I look up at Dalaric who stands right in front of me while looking down at me with a blank expression right before he hooks one of his fingers through my entire small hand and turns back around towards the door.

That simple reassurance and slight drag force puts a small smile on my face as we make our way to his black sleek car.

"Shouldn't we lock the door? What about Landon? He's de- um, unconscious so someone-"

Dalaric presses one of the buttons on this remote control and points it over his shoulder as he holds the door open for me.

The house door locks automatically and the window bonds roll down. The lights on the outside go eerily dim and my mouth parts in awe.

"Can I try?"

He looks at blankly but with a twinge of rare amusement. He hands me the remote control thing and I click a random one which then causes a very loud hip-hop beat to start playing. I squeal and try to turn it off after I hear a loud scream erupt from one of the top rooms. Dalaric's lip curves upwards before he catches my gaze and returns to his blank expression.

I furrow my brows at the remote control but he takes it away from me after saying "Sound Control."

"Can I get one of these? My house isn't that big but sometimes I have to get up to turn on the ac and it's really far?"

His blank face does not waver as he says "No." and shuts the passenger door for me.

Unfair though.

He gets into the driver seat and starts the engine as I buckle up.

My stomach rumbles as the car starts moving. For some reason, cars make me nauseous and I get hungry when i'm nauseous so.

Dalaric gives me a side glance as he places one hand out the rolled down tinted window and one on the steering wheel.


"I only have a lil' money so anything small is fine." I say, feeling bad for knowing that he's going to take us to Wendy's.

He doesn't say anything and i take that as my queue to do my daily dose of staring.

I only now notice that he has four tiny moles that are about two shades darker than his light brown skin tone. One is places right next to his left beautiful green-grey eye. The second is placed below his jawline , which is accompanied by a third one that is slightly larger. They look like freckles. The fourth one is right above the corner of his very nice lips.

"Stop that." I blink three times and turn my head way too abruptly to the window.

Stop being so perfect then.

He probably thinks i'm a fudgin' weirdo too. I can't even swear in my own thoughts!

I fiddle with my uninteresting chubby fingers and accidentally rip a piece of skin off. I try to soothe it but it feels like it's burning. I fiddle more and only make it worse.

A large hand clasps my fiddling fingers. I look at him to see his gaze on the road only. His hand then releases my fingers and holds it towards me, fingers splayed out.

DalaricWhere stories live. Discover now