Chapter 3

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   After the rest of the discussion, the elders cleaned up the table from dinner, and all went their separate ways. Elder Thomas, Church, Zelder and Micheals enjoying a game of cards in the living room, and Neely, Schrader and Davis all splitting off to go to their rooms. This left Connor alone in the kitchen, sweeping up and humming lightly to himself. As he pushed in one of the chairs, he noticed its leg get stuck on something. Frowning he bent down to find a copy of the book of Arnold and Kevin's small notebook. There it was, an excuse to talk to Kevin fell right into his hands. Connor propped the broom up against the wall and snatched Kevin's things from the floor, practically skipping to Kevin's room.

   Finally! The perfect chance to speak with him. Connor arrived at the door of his room, with its chipping white paint and wooden sign that read 'Price/Cunningham.' Or at least, the sign used to. Cunningham's name now was covered by a sticky note with the name 'Thomas', with a small pop tart drawn under it in pencil. Cunningham had basically stopped living in the mission hut altogether, leaving Kevin alone in his room. Elder Thomas had suggested that because McKinley was district leader, he deserved a room to himself. However, Connor was able to see through this suggestion with ease. He knew that the real reason behind Pop-tarts being so eager to move out of their shared room. It was due to the fact that he was often awoken by Connor, yelling or something similar after his nightly hell dream. After about the twelfth time waking him up, he was able to infer that his roommate was a bit annoyed, watching Elder Thomas slam his face back into his pillow.

   Connor knocked on the door, to alert Kevin of his presence. As he did, he realized he hadn't planned a single thing to say to him, making him panic for a moment. A moment which he barely even had time for as Kevin shouted from the other side of the door, "come in!" Connor awkwardly swung the door open, greeted with Kevin sitting on his bed, his back turned. He appeared to be placing a book under his pillow, which Connor instantly recognized to be the Book of Mormon.

   He stood leaned against the doorway, "hey Elder- I mean Kevin, or something. How's it going dude? Pal..?" He trailed off, fully aware of how ridiculous he sounded. Along with his hell dreams, this moment would definitely be keeping him awake that night.

   Kevin turned around, scanning Connor, who looked as if he was attempting to do some 80s movie bad-boy lean on the door. He was a little short for the doorframe, and significantly too limp in the pose, making him look as if he were drunk more than anything. Kevin was forced to suppress a laugh as he motioned the boy to come sit by him. "Is that my stuff?" He asked, noticing the books in the crook of Connor's arm.

   Connor sat down a foot away from him on the edge of the bed, while handing him his belongings. "I saw you left them after dinner, so I thought I'd maybe bring them back to you," he shrugged.

   "Thanks! You're the best," Kevin grinned. He watched as Connor sheepishly shrugged his shoulders again and rubbed the back of his neck.

   Besides his awkward entrance, Connor felt like he was off to a fairly good start with the conversation. "Aw it was nothing. I just wanted to come in here to apologize about the whole thing at dinner," he added. To his surprise, Kevin only responded with a confused head tilt. "I didn't upset you...?" Connor guessed.

   "No not at all! What made you think that?" Kevin said, taken aback by even the suggestion of it. "Honestly you did the opposite, you have this weird way of...making me come to my senses," he smiled at him, speaking slowly. Suddenly, he became aware of the way the moonlight from the window was reflecting the icy blue color of Connor's eyes.

   If it wasn't for Connor repeatedly telling himself to turn it off internally, he would've been completely entranced by Kevin. Perhaps Connor noticing Kevin staring at him during dinner hadn't been something he'd imagined, not when he was looking at him in this way now. He was completely perplexed, frozen to his seat as the two locked eyes.

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