Cover Blown

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    "You guys saw that didn't you, you all saw what happened today" Kelly said as we walked slowly towards the dinner hall to get dinner, school had closed, and we had gone to our dorms to freshen up, and now its time to have dinner and thats where we are headed to,
   "I can't believe this is actually happening, we even failed to lure her cause she was with Cruz all day" Michelle said and I sighed as I walked over to sit down and wait for the waitress to come take the order, actually that's how our school is, we don't line up, it's like a restaurant we make the orders and they are brought to us,
   "And you even saw the way Oziel smiled at her, it's freaking annoying, she is hooking up with every cute guy in school" Dora said and I sighed and picked up the menu tab on the table, I scrolled through it and finally picked what I wanted before showing the waitress who bowed and faced the others girls to ask what they wanted,
   "I'm having anything she's having" Michelle said and the other followed suite, I smirked and looked up,
   "You don't even know what I am having and yet you wanna have it, wow that's nice" I said and they all became silent, I frowned and glanced at them,
   "What's with you guys, why the fuck are staring at me that way?" I asked with a huge frown on my face, Michelle who was beside me leaned in on me and narrowed her eyeballs,
   "You're strange" she said and Dora and Kelly nodded, I raised an eyebrow and looked away,
   "I'm only pissed off nothing more, I wish we had killed her back then, all this shit won't happen, now she's back, Collins wouldn't have my time any longer" I said and Michelle chuckled and smirked as she turned back to the table with an amused look on her pretty face,
   "And what's so amusing about what I said?" I asked and the three girls turned to face me,
   "Do you wanna pretend you don't know that Collins doesn't like Cozbi, not for once at all, he pratically hates her with passion, but he has no choice than to put up a show" Dora said and I frowned,
   "And even that show, he ain't good at it, everyone still knows he hates her" Michelle said with a smug on her face and I sighed, that was actually true after all,
   "Why did you decide to go for Collins anyways, we all know Oziel is a no go area, but you could go for Cruz instead" Kelly said and I looked up at her and burst out laughing as I wondered if she were a fool,
   "Everyone wants Cruz, but he wants no one, all wants to do is fuck and dump, that's what he does" I said and Dora nodded and smiled,
   "But I would really love to get fucked by any of those cute guys, most especially Archie, Otto and Hendrick, those three are quite mysterious" she said and Michelle nodded as she tapped the table,
   "The four guys in our class are the most mysterious, no has ever been able to read their thoughts, even Cruz, Collins too, those six are super mysterious, I would love to have them in bed really" I said and the other three girls nodded, finally the waitress brought what I ordered and I smiled when I saw the looks on their faces,
    "Well, I knew you would like them, so I ordered this Keok sisters and idili if you don't mind" I said and the three girls smiled and gave me a thumbs up,
    "It's a blessing to have you Cruella, you're the best" Dora said and I scrowled at her cutely, we were almost done with our dinner when the girls suddenly started screaming, no one needed to tell us, one or some of the cute guys are in here, we all turned and there was Cozbi walking between Archie, Otto and Hendrick, and right behind them are Oziel, Loic, Riggs and Vito, they seemed to be following the four in front,
   "What the hell is going on?" Michelle asked and got up, and followed suite, she walked towards the eight people who had secured a sit large enough for them to fit in, they all sat round the table as though they were having a meeting, and Cozbi is the only girl.

********** Michelle's P.O.V
    "Wow, it's really weird seeing you guys here in the dinner hall, what are you doing here?" I asked in an uneasy voice, I knew I was going to be snubbed but I gotta try my luck anyways who knows what might happen today, and sure someone responded,
   "You should just leave, there is no spare seat for bitches" Cozbi said without looking up from her phone, I frowned and clenched my fist,
   "The fuck did you just call me you bastard" I thundered and all the guys at the table paused and looked up at the same time, they glared at me and then back at Cozbi who smirked and dropped her phone on the table, I actually thought she was planning to say something to me, but I was wrong,
    "Here guys, what you wanted to see and know" she said that was literally shunning me from the conversation, at that time, a waitress was coming over with a cup of coffee, I grabbed one and poured it on Cozbi who dodged swiftly and the coffee splashed on her back instead, I covered my mouth in mock suprise
   "Oh my goodness, I'm really sorry, that wasn't intentional" I said and laughed, I was busy laughing when Otto suddenly got up, he rushed over to me and grabbed my neck, lifting me up he slammed me into a wall and wall broke due to the impact, I fell to the ground and groaned in pain as I slowly stood up with the help of my friends who looked super shocked,
    "I can't believe the daughter of a mistress can actually call someone else a bastard" he said and walked back to his sit, he sat down and they continued the discussion as though nothing had just happened at all, they looked really innocent as though they were the one who did anything just at the moment,
   "What do you guys think you're doing, why do you hate us so much and yet to talk to her?" Dora suddenly asked with her eyes closed as though she would faint, I smiled inwardly as I watched the way she collapsed, Oziel suddenly got up and walked away, and the others followed suite, Cruella tried grabbing Archie, but that fiery look sent her hand back immediately,
    "Get the school doctor for her if you don't want her ro end up dead the way you killed Cozbi" he said and I froze immediately, they know about what happened to Cozbi, I am totally screwed then, it's crazy,
    "Gosh, what the hell should we do?" Cruella asked and I stood up and rushed over to them,
   "Let's get outta here first, Kelly wipe their memories" I said and they nodded, I carried Dora and vanished, before going I heard Kelly snap, and the students murmuring, that is done and dusted at least for the main while, I would teach that bitch a lesson later.

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