No time to lose

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A/N: -morning- Panni, Kwazzi, Lee,Peso and Melonie, left to the next Kingdom over, the eighth Kingdom, -four hours later- they made it and asked the medical staff to see if the have medication for influenza A, and they said yes,
After getting it, a sound of a horse 🐎 arrived with the royal messenger,

He gave the letter to Peso, Peso:"😨....we need to leave now, Shellington has fallen into a coma because of the fever, if we don't get there before then he could die!"

Scott the Royal messenger:"Peso, Paani, we leave at once!" Melonie gave the herbs to Peso to keep safe, once Peso and Paani where in the horse with Scott they left,

*hang on Shellington we're coming* Paani thought, -at the house- Pearl looking at her brother with teary eyes, Shellington, unconscious, his body not moving, shallow breathing, and in a coma, Markus walks in,
Markus:"Pearl go to sleep, I'll look after your brother" Pearl didn't say anything, she left to her bedroom to rest,

Markus:"oh Shellington why is it always you that's always in trouble...please wake up son...please" Shellington, looking pale, his skin color draining away because of his illness, pale as a vampire in the night, Pogo comes in,
Pogo:"....Shellington coma is unpredictable, we don't know when...h-he'll wake up...I'm sorry" -racing through the forest as a shortcut-

The horse racing through the forest as fast as it could, Scott, Paani, and Peso, racing against time, Paani worrying about Shellington, Peso hoping they can make it in time, Scott the greatest horse rider is doing the best he can to get Paani and Peso beck to the Fourth Kingdom's village in time,

-back home-

Everyone in the village taking turns caring for Shellington and the family, the talk to Shellington telling him stories about their day, even though he's in a coma, many of them believe that he will wake up feeling better surrounded by the love of his family, friends and everyone.

how long will it take for him to wake up?, will Paani, Peso and Scott make it in time? Will Peso have time to make the medication?. Find out soon.

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