Chapter 7

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A few days after our fun night in the kitchens, Pandora, Emmeline and I walked into Herbology with the Slytherins. Professor Sprout, a young professor with crazy, curly hair, had put us in an alphabetical seating arrangement. The arrangement was based on the last names, so I was placed near the front with Amelia Bones. 

"Hey Cassiopeia, how are you?" The girl asked me, after she sat down. I smiled at her before replying kindly,

"I'm alright, Amelia. How are you?"

We chatted a little, before professor Sprout started her lesson. 

"Today, I want all of us to pair up with someone you haven't worked with before. So mingle up. And please, keep in mind that we want the houses to be able to work together!" I looked around for someone I hadn't met yet and seeing as there were a lot of Hufflepuffs I hadn't worked with yet, I had plenty of choices. Before I even got the chance to walk up to someone, someone tapped me on the shoulder. 

"Excuse me, would you mind working with me? My roommate, Amelia, told me that you were really kind and I wanted to meet you." A small, light-skinned girl with brown hair asked me. 

"Oh, yes of course! I would love to work with you! I'm Cassiopeia." I shook her hand with a kind smile, quite taken back about the fact that Amelia told her roommate about me. 

"I'm Hestia. Hestia Jones. I hope you don't mind that I'm a halfblood? I heard that your family isn't too kind about that, but Amelia told me that you're different and besides, I've heard the rumours that you're not like your family at all. I'm sorry, am I rambling? I tend to do that around new people." She smiled shyly, but I just chuckled at her. 

"I don't mind at all, Hestia. You seem kind and that's what matters to me. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't care about bloodstatus at all, we can't help who are parents are." This made her give me a broad smile, before we dove into the lesson. 


After Herbology, I walked into Astronomy with my Ravenclaw girls, hoping to see my Gryffindor boys. The girls sat down on the left side of the round room, seeing as the tables were put in a circle so that everyone can see professor Nyx, while she talks. 

The tables fit three students on a bench, which usually meant that one of the Gryffindor boys, most of the time Peter or Remus, would sit behind the other three. Seeing as Pandora and Emmeline always sit together, I usually could pick between sitting with one of the boys or with the girls. 

This time, it was Remus who got to sit behind the boys. I decided to sit with him, so I could actually get some work done and still enjoy the company of my boys. 

"Hello boys, have you missed me?" I announced my presence to the four boys. 




Peter, James and Sirius immediately shouted and stood up to hug me, as if they hadn't seen me for years, instead of one lesson. 

"Hi Cassiopeia." Remus said softly. He looked rather pale today, just like I noticed this morning. I let my eyes rake over his appearance, making him turn more pale. I wondered if he was getting sick perhaps or maybe, he hadn't slept well enough that evening. 

Nonetheless, I gave him a smile and took my seat beside him. When the professor walked in and grabbed the other boys' attention, I turned towards Remus and put my hand against his forehead. He was extremely hot to the touch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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