********** Oziel's P.O.V
    "I'm not going anywhere with you, note that, I have to stick to her like a leech, you won't even let me go to school, just let me with her okay?" Stoic said and clenched my teeth and pointed angrily at him,
   "Do you realize that's not me, it's a woman, no it's a girl" I said between clenched teeth, he merely glanced at Cozbi's face and laid his head back on her breast,
    "At least she's beautiful, and her chest is quite comfortable, why would I come to you?" He asked and I groaned with a really cool look on my face, he really is a huge betrayer, now he won't come back soon enough,
   "You would get sick if you stay any longer, let's go get ice cream" Cozbi said and I watched in jealousy the way Stoic nodded eagerly and facing me, he stuck out his tongue at me, and I could only subdue my anger as I watched the way Cozbi grew her white and black wings and flew away with him in her arms like a new born baby,
   "That must hurt alot" one of the girls in the class said and made to touch my shoulder, the moment she touched me, she burnt to ashes and her dust was blown away, that's the main reason why no one dares touch me, I made to walk out the way I walked in, the moment I got out, there waiting at the door for me were Archie, Hendrick and Otto, wonder what they want again, well I guess I know what it is,
   "Tell your brother to stay away from Cozbi, or you take him far away from here right now and bring out Cozbi back to us" Archie said and I narrowed my eyeball when he said our Cozbi, that's quite strange, he hardly talks really,
   "Why would you call her yours, she's Stoic's already, he would never let her go" I said in my cold cool voice with my face void of any emotion,
   "And why won't he let her go, that's absurd, they barely even know each other" Otto said and I glanced coldly at him and sighed as I turned to them squarely,
   "I think you should talk to Stoic not me" with that I teleported to the music class which has always been empty and there waiting were the three guys with Cozbi and Stoic there waiting, Cozbi was held down by the three and I smiled at the way she frowned and tried to release herself,
   "It feels so nice seeing you struggle really bad don't you think?" I said and moved over to her, I got to Stoic and rubbed his head, he grinned at me and glanced at Cozbi who was staring at us, I was really mad when I found out that she wasn't surprised at all, she looked really indifferent,
   "Gosh, I hate that look the most" Loic said and released Cozbi after tying her with his soul chain, it's a glowing white rope that prevent you from using your powers,
    "Right now, you're vulnerable, you can't try any trick now" Vito said and I smirked and glanced at her only to see her smiling too I tried guessing what she was up to, but I was fucking distracted, it was like I was being hypnotized,
   "And she's fucking smiling" Riggs said and I sighed and looked away from her, I got a sit from the place they were kept and sat in front of Cozbi who was busy staring at the ground as though she found something interesting there,
    "Hey look up now" I said and she did, she spread her lips and glanced at Stoic who glared at her and looked away, I know, right now he is trying hard not to pity her at the moment, he isn't feeble minded, he just doesn't want to get on her bad side cause he knows how strong she is,
   "You guys forgot something though" Cozbi said and I opened my eyes wide, but before I could do anything,
   "Riggs, come over and untie me now" she said and Riggs got up immediately he grew his claws and cutting his palm, he placed his bleeding palm on the chain and it broke immediately,
    "Oh no, not again, he does things to the extreme when being compelled, now I would have to repair that again" Vito said and glared at Cozbi who shrugged as she got up and dusted her skirt before facing us,
    "Heavens knows how you became assassin's though, you're way too slow and really don't have a plan" she said and glanced at Stoic who glared back at her,
   "And you really are a cute actor" she said and smiled at Stoic who smiled back at her, I finally sighed and got up, walked over to her and faced her squarely,
   "You have a mission and we already got permission for it" I said and raised my hand, a scroll appeared and I handed it over to her, she collected it and read it, after reading it she frowned and looked up at me she looked quite confused, and somewhat annoyed too,
   "Did you really do this?" She asked and I nodded without minding the annoyed look on her face,
   "Why the fuck would you do that, I won't be able to go on mission's again, why the fuck do you want me to be his freaking personal nanny, that's so stupid and you know it" she said and I nodded slowly as though I was thinking bout it,
   "It's not stupid, cause you are protecting him too, you would find out how many missions you have to do on him alone" Loic said and I chuckled when she slumped unto the ground and hit the ground slowly,
    "I would go ask for permission to withdraw from this mission" she said and I smirked and walked over to her, I stooped before her and raising my hand another scroll appeared, I opened it and scanned through it,
   "I hope you know what's in here, you're a villain, and you know that, they won't listen to you" I said and Riggs also came over and stooped next to her,
   "And also, this is mission is like a punishment to you, they know how much you hate baby sitting, so I hope you can put the pieces together finally" he said and Loic and Vito smiled as they walked up to us, they stood towering above us as though they were guards from hell,
    "You guys are really smart aren't you?" Cozbi suddenly asked in and I nodded with my eyes closed,
   "Don't worry, you won't be baby sitting, I'm not a baby anyways, and I don't like leaving my brothers sight, so you don't have to bother" Stoic said and Cozbi smirked and then burst out laughing as she stared at Stoic,
   "Do you think I have any fucking time for you anyways, I hate kids, with passion, and I hope you understand" she said and turned to go, but she stopped,
    "And also, I would be so busy in school, I don't think I would have time for your shit" she said and with that she turned, she was about to walk out but then she turned back again and sighed as she walked over,
   "But why in hells name do you have to do this, it's quite stupid don't you think?" She asked and I shrugged and looked away, I don't know why but I suddenly feel stupid,
   "Gosh, just go away, enough already" Riggs said and I closed my eyes and suddenly opened it, we all watched the way Cozbi walked away slowly with Stoic staring at her longingly, he sure likes her already,
   "Why doesn't she like my?" He suddenly asked once she was gone and I groaned and turned to Loic and the others, they blinked at the same time and faced Stoic,
   "Cause she doesn't want anything to do with us" Vito said and he nodded and faced us, he was about to say something when Cozbi walked in again with a white package with her,
   "Hey, here" she said handing the white package to Stoic who was watching with his eyes full of hope, he collected the disposable bag and opened it, I bet it's a large popsicle, cause he burst into a cute smile and looked up at Cozbi who was now looking around for something,
   "Thanks" Stoic said and I suddenly turned my head sharply to face him, that's the last thing he would ever say, he had never even said that to me, ever before, not for once,
   "Hmmnnnn" Cozbi said and winked at him, they both smiled at each other and he got up and running over to her, he hugged her leg really tight,
  "No more trucks" she said and looked up at us, I didn't bother looking back, only Riggs and the others nodded, I just went back to my book as though nothing happened.
********** Unknown P.O.V
     "You really found her already?" The young master asked and I nodded, I am still dressed in my uniform, but no one cares, I am certainly here on a mission which seems possible already, I finally found the long lost key,
   "What does she look like though?" The very handsome young master asked and I went down on one knee,
   "She had taken the flesh of another to come back to life your highness, but I must say, she looks more beautiful than ever" I said and my master smiled revealing his long cute fangs,
   "Then how about I pay her a visit tomorrow" he said and I bowed deeply as I closed my eyes,
   "Would she recognises me?" He asked and I looked up and nodded, of cause she might and she might not, who knows what's going on in her beautiful brain though,
   "Of cause she would your highness, and I bet she misses you already" I said and clenched my teeth. In our kingdom, everyone knows how much Lilith hates the guts of the young master, they have been friends since childhood, but his guts make her really sick, and everyone knows he is gay, but he is also a playboy who loves teasing girls, he has two brothers, elder brothers to be precise though, and the three guys are so handsome and freaking cute, the eldest has blue hairs and blue eyeballs, the second son has green hairs and pink eyeballs, while the young master has brown hairs and golden eyeballs, and he is the cutest of them all,
   "Make the class ready for me tomorrow, I have to impress her and make her like me at least" he said and I smiled, I glanced at the girls beside him on his bed and I could tell how jealous they are at the moment, those sluts,
   "I have to go now master, I have dance practice" I said and the young master nodded and waved his hand, I bowed and after giving those sluts a disdainful look, I walked out of the large room and down the stairs to the meeting room. Well I am one of the Lord's most trusted messenger, in our dukedom, we have a duke the third duke, and three duchesses, and each duchess has a son and a daughter, the sons are older than the daughter's, it's kind of strange though, but they all gave birth to their sons first, then the daughter's, there is just a year difference between the sons of the duchesses and a year difference between the daughter's too, it's complicated, but right now I have to go before the elder lady sees me,
   "Go now and don't be late" I heard the eldest Lord, that's Lord Enzo say to one of his messengers, I walked over to peep at who it was but I couldn't see his face, I frowned and opening my portal, I walked into the dance room, they would never know where I am coming from though,
   "You came late today" the dance instructor said and I bowed in apology, I adjusted my glasses and went to stay in my line, how much I hate the attention from the junior girls, wonder why they prefer to hit on me instead,
   "I can't concentrate Bjorn, you're way too handsome" Selena, one of the girls who love hitting on me the most said and I frowned and looked away, she has cute purple eyeballs and long brown hairs, and I don't even like her, not one bit, if she were a little like Lilith, maybe I might and besides I don't do girls, its either Lilith or guys, that's my rule, just when I thought of looking for another partner cause Selena kept making mistakes during the ball dance, Cozbi walked in and I smiled immediately, my saviour is finally here,
   "Sir I hope you won't mind if Bjorn skips this dance class for just today?" She asked in that sweet cute voice and I smiled and glanced at the instructor who nodded immediately, I guess she compelled him again,
   "Yes, Bjorn you are free today and don't be late tomorrow I won't let you off" he said and Lilith smiled and pulled me to her side as she smiled cutely showing those dimples that I love so much,
   "He won't I would make sure of that" she said and smiling we both walked out of the dance class, the moment we got to an empty class, I turned and hugged her really tight,
   "How could you suddenly die at the hands of that bitch, you should have killed her before she killed you really" I said and hugged her even tighter while Lilith smiled and pat my back slowly, she is like my twin sister and even my any sister who comforts me all the whole damned time,
   "I really missed you oppa" she said and I smiled and released her, she stared at me for a while and we both burst out laughing at nothing in particular,
  "That was way too cheeky" I said and she nodded and looked up at me and I saw the way her eyeballs blistered,
  "But all the same I miss you" she said and I nodded and pulled her in for a bear hug, as I stroked her hair,
   "I missed you more, I thought you were home forever when that bitch killed you" I said and she sighed and looked up at me with her eye balls full of love, but beneath that love was hatred and malice, signs of trauma and all,
   "You still have nightmares right?" I asked and she looked up at me, knowing she can't lie to me she nodded and stared down at her beautiful long fingers,
   "I didn't want to be a burden, so I had to keep it a secret" she said and I smiled and rubbed her hair, I can't say anything, I merely took her hand and we both left the empty class to join other people.

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