Chapter 5: Hierarchy

Start from the beginning

"I think it's time that you learn how things work around here Potter," he said in a tone that Harry had no doubt Jugson thought was menacing, Harry had to stop himself from rolling his eyes, it was completely ridiculous, "It's time that you learn where your place is. You are nothing more than a disgusting half-blood, who shouldn't even be allowed in to Hogwarts much less the noble House of Slytherin. You are worth nothing. Your place is at my feet, licking my shoes, it's the only thing you're useful for. And you are going to learn that, one way or another." And Jugson and his two friends took their wands out of their pockets.

Before Jugson started to speak Harry was only going to do enough so that he would come out of this without injury, but now he was angry. He was worth nothing? His place was at his feet? If there was something that he could not tolerate, it was being treated like that, as if he were below them. At the orphanage they did it because he was different and here they were going to do it because of his origins, at the orphanage they learned not to mess with him, they were about to learn it at Hogwarts too.

"I see," whispered Harry, but everyone in the common room heard him, making more than one student shiver, "and who is going to, supposedly, put me in my place?"

"Me!" growled Jugson pointing his wand at Harry.

And that's when Harry did something that surprised every one of them, he laughed. Harry laughed and most students felt their blood freeze, it was cold and cruel and nothing like a laugh should be. And when Harry lifted his head Jugson and his two friends took a step back instinctively. Harry's eyes shone with magic and a sadistic smile made his angelic face seem demonic.

Harry lifted both of his hands, the movement followed by all those present, and put one hand on one of the arms of the boys holding him, the next moment the silence in the common room was broken by two agonizing screams coming from both boys. Both of them let go of Harry immediately, holding their arm to their chest, those closest to them could see their shirts getting soaked in blood and a few even saw a piece of bone sticking out of their flesh. Harry pointed in the direction of both boys and they fell unconscious.

Having taken care of the small inconvenience of being restrained in less than ten seconds, Harry turned his attention to Jugson and his remaining two cronies. Jugson's two friends lifted their wands in his direction, but before they could even open their mouths to say a spell, Harry had already acted and twin screams filled the common room. Both of them were on the ground with both of their legs broken. Harry pointed in their direction again, and the screams stopped, showing that both of them were unconscious.

Harry was focused on Jugson, however he didn't lose sight of the rest of the room, not missing the pale faces of some students, nor the fear that some of them couldn't hide. He would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy it. Fear was truly such a wonderful emotion.

"You're going to put me in my place?" inquired Harry softly, never taking his eyes of Jugson. Moving with surprising speed he was standing in front of Jugson and took the wand from his hand, "May I know how you plan to do that?"

Even though his tone was perfectly friendly, his eyes promised pain and Jugson lost any and all color that he had in his face.

Seeing as Jugson was not going to answer Harry focused his magic in putting the teenager in front of him on his knees, as long as it was something simple he didn't need spells or a wand, his magic would do as he wanted.

With Jugson on his knees in front of him, Harry had no difficulty in caressing his face, it was a tender touch, soft and sweet and that only made his expression all the more terrifying to Jugson.

"I am a little annoyed with what you tried to do Jugson," Harry informed the other boy without taking his hand from Jugson's cheek, loving the way Jugson's eyes went wide and filled with fear, "I was perfectly satisfied with observing and studying, but you forced my hand, which, I have to admit, annoys me a bit."

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