The Meet

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Y/n and Jimin Bedroom.

[3 years later]

[The room is peaceful, Filled with pictures, Pictures of Jimin and Y/n. In the early morning, His head wiggled on the pillow as the sunlight coming from the open window hitting on his face adding more brightness on his already shinning face. He slowly opened his eyes as a slight smile captured his face after witnessing the beauty of the environment, But someone more beautiful is sleeping beside him. Moving his head towards her his smile widen, seeing his everything sleeping so peacefully in his arms. He always love this sight, Sight of his whole world in his own arms makes him feel euphoria.]

[Pulling her close, He placed a light kiss on her forehead after holding her jaw gently.]

Jimin:- You are the most beautiful chapter of my life, The chapter i never want to end. I want to see you sleeping in my arms, Everyday. [He smiled to himself] "It makes me feel so good knowing you're mine, Only mine." [He talked to her knowing she's not listening but when her eyes opened, Her brown orbs made him feel peace] "You're awake?" [She nodded, Snuggling more into his arms]

Y/n:- You can continue your talking, I was loving hearing them. [He smiled, While she again closed her eyes, waiting for him to continue]

Jimin:- I waited so much Y/n, It was always so hard to see you with someone else, Knowing you've got touched by so many b*stards. [She clutched his shirt, Getting the glimpse of her past] "I know we have done wrong by coming here, In los angeles, But you know it was important right?" [She sigh, Thinking about him before nodding] "For us as well as for him. He needed to move on, which I know he must have done till now"

[He said, Again trying to convince her with the thing that he must have moved on but her heart never accept, Even she don't know why, But she can never accept that he have moved on from her and she will never till she herself go back to Korea and see him moved on, But Jimin will never let her go back there and she knows it very well as well as she knows that Taehyung's addiction towards her can never end so easily]

Y/n:- I hope so. [She said in low tone, despite her opposite thoughts]


[She took slow steps towards the kitchen as her eyes fell on Jimin, Making something while wearing an apron. He looked up at her having the capability to hear her slowest sounds]

Jimin:- Come, Let's have breakfast. [She nodded walking close before sitting on the chair that is infront of the kitchen counter. He served both of them breakfast before sitting beside her]
Y/n:- Um, Jimin.. [He hummed, applying butter on muffin] "I wanted to ask you something"

Jimin'- What's it?
Y/n:- Actually, I want to do a Job. [He looked at her]
Jimin:- Job? [She nodded] "Why?"
Y/n:- Because I get bore in the house alone.
Jimin:- Oh, ok! [He gave her the muffin] "You can" [He said with a smile making her smile too]
Y/n:- Thank you! [She smiled wide]


Emma:- So you joining? [Y/n nodded while bitting her lips] "That's good!"
Y/n:- Yeah, But I'm worried
Emma:- Why? [Y/n held Emma's hand before saying]

Y/n:- Jimin.. I'm scared I may can't give him enough time he deserves. I'm still not out of whatever happened 2 years ago because of what jimin is already so much worried and tense about me, That's why I'm scared to be more burden on him.

Emma:- Y/n.. [She cubbed her hands by hers before continuing] "Everything will be good! You just have to move on!"
Y/n:- I may can move on but Taehyung, He can never!
Emma:- How are you so sure about it? He might have moved further leaving your chapter behind, Don't worry about him! [She said making Y/n take out her hands from emma's before standing up and walk towards window] "No one can understand what I can. He was so madly addicted to me and that obsession and yearning can never end." [Emma sighed while Y/n clutched on the curtain] "I'm alcohol to him, Alcohol he never wanted to get away from him"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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