Part One

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Diana -

     Where should I start? My story is a very long one at that it would make it much better to explain everything from the very start. And what I mean by that is that I know things more than my family does, I am a descendant of the most powerful Kings of a Targaryen line. That I am the direct descendant of Viserys the peaceful and Alicent Hightower from their son, Aegon.

       I know how things were in the past because I was able to see it from my very self. I am the youngest at night siblings 7th born child of my father King Viserys the 16th of Westeros. And my mother Queen Elizabeth Tyrell. Some say that all of us come from greatness because that we are still on the throne after so many thousands of years.

     So let me explain to you what happened 172 years that made the Targaryen's stay on the iron throne. Unlike the others I was able to see the past and how very lucky we are that the dance the dragon never happened.

      Because it was all changed by one person, one man that was the blood Raven or better known as Brynden Rivers. He went back in time and messed with things that he's really shouldn't have and with that he changed pretty much everything because he wanted the future to be better.

      But he stopped in a Pacific time because he really wanted to show two people that really needed to see the future if they did not change. And those two people were lady Alicent Hightower and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.

     He was able to show them the future if they didn't change and if the dance of the dragons actually happened, and then he put them back into their young herself. Before Alicent married King Viserys.

     Both of them knew that they needed to change especially when they saw the future they knew that they needed to start over and they were able to. They were able to fix their issues that they had between them and to restart their friendship. And when they did that things became better between them and with the realm.

      For Rhaenyra she knew that she was not ever supposed to become Queen and she made a peace with that, she knew that the realm would never accept her as Queen. And that she knew that she needed to settle down and get married to play her part for time.

       After a month things have been pretty smooth between everything and Alicent and Rhaenyra were called into the Council room where viserys was going to explain some things to his Lords about a decision that he has come up with. Viserys made the decision to marry Lady Alicent Hightower.

       Viserys thought that his daughter would be angry with him but to his surprise Rhaenyra gave a smile to Alicent. Lord Corlys Velaryon left the room in anger but after that Rhaenyra went to Alicent to give her a hug, that she was very pleased.

     This action shocked the king very much to say the very least he really didn't think that his daughter would be so happy but it definitely made things easier. After the meeting in the Council room all left, Rhaenyra and Alicent left together. When the wedding came Rhaenyra helped Alicent with her dress and the jewelry.

      It was a beautiful bonding moment between them both and the princess was very happy in the moment. After helping Alicent, Rhaenyra went to the sept. Rhaenyra watched the wedding of her father and her best friend become her stepmother.

      After that everything went well as it could and the new Queen came pregnant fast, Rhaenyra stayed by the side of her best friend that is also her stepmother during her pregnancy and when her water is broke she helped her through the labor to the best of her abilities.

      She was the support that Alicent needed. Alicent gave birth to her born son, that they gave him the name Aegon. Alicent it was very pleased and grateful that Rhaenyra was there for her.

     Rhaenyra took her role as the princess more seriously than before, it was very strange for the others to see this happening because they did not understand the cause of the change that the princess was showing.

      But they really enjoyed it to see this difference within the princess. It was a surprise for her father but also a major surprise for Ser Otto Hightower, the hand of the king.

Diana Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now