1st Year: Chapter Nine

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It's time for the Potions class and Luella wondered how the lesson would go.

She, Hannah, and Susan sat down and noticed that Snape wasn't there. The classroom was quite chatty. But everyone silenced when the door was pushed open and it banged against the concrete wall from the force. It made a few people, including Luella, jump. And they looked to see Snape entering the classroom.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death."

Luella's eyebrows shot up, she didn't expect his voice to be so deep and monotone. She watched as he stood at the front of the room and glanced at the students. He was pleased to see that all of them were paying attention.

"Now, for todays lesson, I will be teaching you about the Forgetfulness Potion. You will write notes down, and then you will get your books out and you will begin making the potion. By the end of the lesson, I want an acceptable potion made. I hope you lot are more competent than the Gryffindor's at this. One of their cauldrons blew up and mildly injured a few of the Slytherin's."

We're actually making a potion on the first lesson?

Luella was actually quite excited. She just hoped that she would make an acceptable potion as she didn't want to lose points or get scolded.

So she and the others listened and wrote down notes as Snape talked about the potion, what ingredients it needed, and what it did. Although, it was quite self-explanatory from the title of the potion. It made the drinker forget, or experience an unknown degree of memory loss.

Once he explained everything about the potion, he had the students get the ingredients from his stock cupboard. They got out the equipment they needed and they got to work as they read the instructions from the book.

Halfway through, Luella had to take her cloak off as it had gotten very hot in the room from all of the cauldrons. She thankfully wasn't struggling with the potion, but she was nervous to see the finished product.

Susan and Hannah were doing alright too, and luckily, no one had made a mistake so far. Snape went around the room, often grunting and holding a stoic facial expression on his face as he looked at everyone's potions as he went past, which made everyone nervous.

With only 10 minutes left of the lesson left, everyone finished the potion and Snape went around to see if it was the correct colour. He was pleased to see that not one person had got the potion wrong. So he rewarded 20 points to Hufflepuff, and 20 points to Ravenclaw. They were the first two houses to correctly brew the potion without anything going wrong or anyone getting hurt. Well, the Slytherin's in his class before did it correctly, but a few got hurt from one of the Gryffindor's cauldron exploding. And the Gryffindor's were just utterly terrible.

He then got the students to clean up their stuff and didn't bother to set them any homework seeing how well they did in the lesson.

When Luella left the class with the others, she thought to herself how well the lesson went. She concluded that Snape wasn't actually that bad. And the only reason he was mean to everyone else, was because they tested his patience and didn't listen in class when they were supposed to as making Potions was actually very dangerous if you didn't pay attention.

She still didn't like how he had treated Harry, though.


The next class they had was Transfiguration.

And again, Luella, Susan, and Hannah sat next to each other. Luella noticed a tabby cat sitting on a desk at the front of the room. And because they were sat at the front, Luella could see the tabby cat clearly. It was sitting very stiffly, and it had the outline of glasses around its eyes.

She didn't know why, but she had a feeling that this cat was Professor McGonagall. So she nudged Susan and Hannah and voiced her thought.

"I think that's Professor McGonagall. It's sitting too stiffly to be a normal cat, and if you look closely, there's an outline of glasses around the eyes. Plus, Professor McGonagall herself isn't here, so it's got to be her."

As she finished her sentence, the cat jumped off the table and shifted into Professor McGonagall. It caused people's eyes to widen and mouths to drop. Luella smiled, happy to be correct. She smiled even wider when McGonagall praised her.

"10 points to Hufflepuff for Miss Knight being the only one to notice that the cat was me. Well done."

She then turned to the class and spoke again.

"Welcome to your Transfiguration lesson. I'm Professor McGonagall, I'm also the Head of the Gryffindor House, and Deputy Headmistress. Now, to start off the lesson, you will copy down the information that's on the black board behind me. And then when you've done that, we will get onto the first Transfiguration spell."

The students got out the equipment they needed and started writing down what was on the black board. Some wrote slower than the others, but seeing as Luella was a fast writer, she was done in 2 minutes. She patiently waited for everyone else to finish, and so did Professor McGonagall.

When everyone did finally finish, McGonagall got on with the lesson as she went around and placed wooden matches on everyone's desk.

"Right, today you will be turning a match into a needle. The incantation is Acusignis. Pronounced; aku-sig-nis. And to add onto the spell, you need to concentrate on transfiguring this match, into a needle." (A/N: Now, I don't know if that's the real spell for it because on "Harry Potter Wiki", it says that the incantation is unknown. But on a website called "Hogwarts is Here", it says that Acusignis is the incantation. So I'm going with that.)

"Off you go."

Professor McGonagall watched as the students started muttering the incantation to themselves a few times before gathering the confidence to have a go. And she was surprised to see that only a fair few had managed to get it on the first try. Three of those "fair few" being Luella, Susan, and Hannah.

They highfived each other as they stared at the shiny, long and sharp metal needles that were in front of them. And seeing as McGonagall was going around the room, she noticed and praised the three girls.

"Well done. Miss Knight, Miss Bones, and Miss Abbott have successfully turned their match to a needle on the first try. You three must have good control and concentration to be able to do that. 10 points each to Hufflepuff."

The three of them were proud and thought that they were on a roll. They had two lessons of Defence Against the Dark Arts after lunch, and hoped that they would still be on that roll.

Not long after they had managed to do it, students slowly began to transfigure the match into a needle too. The needles varied from how short or long they were, and from how sharp or blunt they were,

By the end of the lesson, everyone had managed to change the match into a needle. McGonagall was proud of the students and gave them homework, to which some groaned at.

But what Luella was most excited about, was that it was lunch time next, which meant that she would see Harry.

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