Chapter 1: Cynthia meets Ranger

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in the Unova Region in Undella Town, Cynthia is relaxing on the beach without being interupted, as she had her moment of silence, Cynthia heard something and it sounded different, she heard a voice that said "Ah son of a" Cynthia goes over who it was and see a man in armor that looks like he came from another dimension and not from here "where have the slipgates taken me now" said the man

Cynthia: uh excuse me sir, are you alright, I haven't seen you before *she said as the man notices Cynthia standing there in her black bikini*

???: of course I'm alright, I ended up in some world, what is this Earth? and who are you, you don't look like one of those females I was trying to frag?

Cynthia was confused to what the man was saying, but Cynthia might think he's lost, but she introduce herself to the man

Cynthia: well, I think you had a rough start, no need to be this confused, allow me to introduce myself, my name's Cynthia, Sinnoh Champion, and who might you be

Ranger: call me Ranger for short, I too am a champion of Quake

Cynthia was surprised to know she met a Quake Champion

Cynthia: you a champion, I wonder if you earned any badges I do say *she said*

Ranger: what the hell are badges, all I get are medals

Cynthia: oh my, you just got here and you don't know what badges are?

Ranger: I never had any, I just came here after I had escaped from some encounter

Cynthia: escaped from who?

Ranger: let's do it in your house, I'll tell you everything what happened

Cynthia nods and takes the conversation in her home in Undella, as Ranger sat down, he tells Cynthia his story

Ranger: I was in a death match with my squad, we had in a all out war with each other, I earn medals for fragging other champions, our fight was interupted by some being from another world, he's not even human, he looked more like some God of Destruction, he attacked us and we fought back, but most of the champions I remember were slaughtered, my rival Doom Slayer prepared a slipgate I escaped too, but I don't know if he's still alive on the other side, I ended up here, and for some reason, I'm glad this God of Destruction didn't follow, but I got a feeling whatever he's after, he might be a threat to this world, and might cause bad things to happen if nothings done to stop him

after his story, Cynthia felt a bit worried about this "God of Destruction" he mentioned, but she might be thinking he is being serious if nothing is done to stop him if he sets foot on Earth

Cynthia: a God of Destruction? I never heard of it, but if he's a threat, that you're not wrong

Ranger: of course not, his name is unknown for his origin, unless you have something stop him

Cynthia: I have my pokemon with me, I have Garchomp my ace, Lucario my second, Milotic, Spiritomb, Togekiss, and Gastrodon

Ranger: don't know who they are, but looks like they can support you in combat if he comes here, let's hope they are enough

Cynthia: but if that fails, I know some pokemon gods who can

Ranger: pokemon Gods?

Cynthia: yeah, the God of time was Dialga, the God of space and dimension is Palkia, the origin God Arceus, and of course God of the distorted world, Giratina

Ranger: you must've been on a journey

Cynthia: long enough, but now since we've met, would be a opportunity to build a alliance against this "God of Destruction"

Ranger: good idea

Cynthia and Ranger are the first to be part of the alliance and they shake as this is the beginning of stopping the "God of Destruction Apocalypse"

War is ComingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora