"I'm sorry" Alexia said as soon as she saw me. She didn't need her crutches anymore, but her walking wasn't what it had been before. I pulled her into a tight hug, not caring if anyone saw us. I wanted, no, I needed the support of my girlfriend. We had been official since early September, and all our friends knew that we were together. The public, however, were still oblivious to our relationship.

I felt tears fall down my face, and I knew how bad I must have looked. "I just need to grab my bag and then we can leave" Alexia whispered in my ear. I nodded against her shoulder and reluctantly I let her go. My hand never left Alexia's. I needed her support more than I would ever dare to admit.

I was the one who dragged her bag through the entirety of the airport. It was something I insisted on doing. A sign of support towards my injured girlfriend.

We returned to my small hotel room after an hour on the road. Beth was already sitting on one of the beds, the pullout couch who was still in couch mode. When Alexia walked inside, Beth perked up slightly. "Just remember there is a third person in the room" she joked. "Want to join?" I joked back. Alexia's lovely face turned into the colour of the Spanish jersey, almost scarlet. "Odette" Alexia complained, and I leaned closer into her embrace.

"It's a joke Alexia. I'm not inviting her to join us" I whispered in her ear. "Don't worry about it" I continued with a smile. Beth was laughing loudly at Alexia, and it only caused my girlfriend to turn even redder.

We went out for dinner that night, the three of us. Tomorrow would be a hard day for me. A day I had been dreading since my mom first got her diagnosis.

Alexia held me in her arms as we slept. My head was comfortably resting on her sternum and moved every time she took a breath. I heard her heart beat faster every time my hands moved over her stomach. It made me want to continue to tease her and as soon as Alexia knew what I was doing, she complained. "Tease" she whispered in my ear and grabbed my hand. She moved my hand, so it rested in hers. "I would never" I whispered back in a teasing tone.

"I love you Odette" Alexia whispered in my hair. "And I love you Alexia" I whispered back. It wasn't the most romantic place to tell each other that, but it was when we did it. Beth was sleeping in the bed beside us, and tomorrow it was the day of my mother's funeral. But to me, it was the most romantic thing. Alexia loved me for who I was, and I didn't have to be this other version of me.

Alexia loved me, and I loved her. In that moment it was the most important thing to me. The girl I was in love with was in love with me.

I wore a pair of black suit pants and a black blouse. My makeup was subtle and so was the jewellery I was wearing.

I hated that this was the final time I would see my mom, and I wouldn't even see her. Alexia never left my side that day. She was there to hold me as sobs wrecked my body, always with a fresh tissue when I needed it. Beth was on my other side, and I knew how hard this was for her. Her mom didn't have that long left, and this must remind her of that. Still, she was here for me. With her hand in mine and an array of supportive words.

The next day, I left for Barcelona with Alexia. We flew together and she was amazed by my private jet. I don't think she ever wanted to fly commercial after flying on my plane. I loved that plane, I even named her after my childhood dog, Tika. The dog happened to be named after a baby elephant from one of the Barbie movies.

"I can't believe you get such good food on a flight" Alexia said as our meal was served. "I mean I can stock it with whatever I want. Most of the time it's just snacks, but if I wanted, I could have some caviar and champagne" I answered with a smile. Alexia just shrugged her shoulders and grabbed my hand softly.

My smile grew bigger with the contact between us. Alexia took me to her place after we landed. I stayed the night with her. My hands rested on her back, under her shirt while hers drew circles on my stomach.

The next day, I drove Alexia to the training centre for her rehab and then I drove her car back to my place. It was almost done now, and I had moved in. The only parts that weren't done were the spare rooms and their adjoining bathrooms. Everything else was done, my office, a small recording room filled with my instruments and everything I would need to produce music. The gym was still being worked on, along with the pool in the basement.

I could see myself living here full time, especially now that I was dating Alexia. Of course, I would still need to leave for photoshoots, interviews, and tours. Other than that, I could stay in my little bubble with Alexia. Drive her to rehab, then do whatever I wanted and after that spend the rest of the day with her.

When she was done with rehab, she showered there and called me to pick her up. This time, was the first time I could drive to my house.

She was impressed with it to say the least, and when I showed her my bedroom we got stuck there.

My hands explored every part of her, even the parts that was usually covered. My lips explored her neck, well, not just her neck. But I managed to find a couple more sensitive spots on her neck, and behind her ear. The sounds she made were truly irresistible and they only made me want to touch her more.

I couldn't say that I was quiet when she returned the favour. Our first time was everything I had been dreaming about. It made me want to spend the rest of the day in bed with her, and that was what we did. We didn't get much sleep that night, instead the sounds of our pleasure filled the room and made sleep sound so boring.

When she had to leave for training, I complained loudly. I wanted her to stay here with me, but the second-best thing was to drive her there and to sit and watch. Mapi teased me that I was here to watch my girlfriend get sweaty, and I responded with an incredibly foul comment, "I made her sweaty enough last night". This comment made Mapi choke on nothing but air and it caused Jana who was in the gym with us to laugh loudly at the reaction from her friend.


Can we get to sixty votes babes?

Next chapter is purely fluff and very cute!


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