Episode 28 After Becoming Jinchuriki

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Now The time was going shinachiku was 1 year old now . Shinachiku was playing in hall he started to crying . Sakura came and she took him and gave her milk to shinachiku . After that naruto came and he was looking tired . He came and he fall to sleep on his bed . Sakura came and started awaking him . " Hey naruto-kun woke up eat dinner and then sleep " . Naruto awakes and he ate dinner . He look towards shina and ask sakura " sakurachan i done wrong with our baby and shikamaru's baby and some other our friends kids . " No Naru you done right for the village " sakura said while motivating naruto . Naruto fell to sleep . Next Morning He woke because of shina was playing on his body . " Shina-Chan what are you doing baby " he said while holding shina in his arms. ShinaChiku was looking towards naruto with smiles and he was giggling . "Papa" he said . Naruto was astounded by this and he told "shina say it again my son " again shina said " papa " . Sakura came after listening this in her kitchen . "ShinaChiku you learned to say papa my cute baby " . Sakura kiss her little son's forehead . "Mumma " shina said . " I know you learned before this shina " naruto told to his son . ShinaChiku was learned to speaking little bit . But not much .

Let's see in ShinaChiku Kosen .

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