77 | naked is debatable

Start from the beginning

"We have to get coffee down at the ridiculous cafeteria of yours." Irene tells her. "The coffee's terrible, but I'm sure the company will make up for it."

"Oh, no." Liam interjects. "She's busy."

"Sush." Maddison tells him. "I would absolutly love to, Mrs. William."

"Call me Irene." Liam's mother smiles.

"You have rounds, Maddison." Liam gives her a painful smile.

"After your rounds then." Irene says. "Whatever those may be."

"Perfect!" Maddison and Irene smile at each other, as Liam slumps into bed.

"I TOLD YOU TO guard the door." Cristina says to Tyler.

"I had a code blue." Tyler replies, as Maddison chuckles from beside them.

"I had parents walk in." Cristina says.

"We saved the guy's life." Tyler tells her.

"Whatever, I want my 20 bucks back." Cristina rolls her eyes.

"Sorry. It bought everyone coffee to celebrate saving the guy's life." Tyler tells her, walking away.

"I want my 20 bucks back!" Cristina yells after him.

"You know, it's not Tyler's fault you're a dirty, dirty stripper." Meredith voices.

"You heard." Cristina asks.

"Everyone heard." Maddison smirks at her. "Stripper."

"Oh, as if you weren't stripping?" Cristina raises an eyebrow.

"I was playing strip poker." Maddison marrows her eyes. "There a difference."

"No there isn't." Meredith chuckles, turning to her. "Stripper."

"Oh, you're one to talk. Sleeping with two men." Maddison replies.

"Wrong. I'm not sleeping with either one of them. Not until I pick one." Meredith tells them. "If I haven't made a decision by the end of the day, I'm flipping a coin. A girl can only hold out for so long."

"Oh, and somehow we're the dirty strippers?" Cristina asks.

"Go figure." Maddison adds, as Bailey walks by.

"You three have time to round or are you too busy getting naked on hospital property?" Bailey asks, as the three interns follow her.

"I wasn't..." Cristina rambles. "I wasn't naked!"

"Naked is debatable." Maddison adds.

AS THE INTERNS, Bailey and the Chief walk out of the patient's room, who had ordered deserts before her surgery and got a sugar high.

"O'Malley reschedule her surgery for tomorrow. And get her a psych consult." Chief orders, moving to walk away. "And no more food deliveries."

"Yes sir." George nods, as they all follow Bailey.

"Okay..." Meredith says to George, nodding to Bailey, and they all mumble, trying to decide who was going to talk to Bailey.

"So... um, Dr. Bailey?" George starts to say, nervously.

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