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We ran for what seems like hours over rough, terrain and underbrush. We stop when we reach a lake. An exhausted Richter drops to his knees on the bank. I realized he was crying, I knelt beside him and wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back. He collapses into my arms with animalistic guttural cries of pure despair, and agony. "Shhh shhh it's ok richter.. Im here Richter.." he hugs me tightly "this could not have gone more wrong.." he sobs holding me "forgive me richter but I don't know what going on.." I said, confused "Olrox is the vampire that killed my mother... I was 10 and I saw her die. I saw her, soul leave her body and the light leave her eyes... I was too scared to do anything. I couldn't save her.." he cries " you were a child Richter.. you were only 10... it's not your fault.." I say trying to comfort him.  "Oh fuck. The sun's gonna come up soon. We have to find something to cover you with quick!" Richter jumps up " come on let's head towards the town. I bet we can find something before the sun comes up." ' Richard never talks about his mom.. it must be too painful for him...'  I think to myself, we start walking towards the town and we see a clothesline There's a hooded cape on it Richter run over and grab it and run back to me wrapping it up in it. With the look of relief, he says "there, now you won't burn up" as we approach the town, the chatter of villagers is in the air, I haven't seen something like this in 100 years.. it's changed so much feeling a little intimidated by my surroundings, I shrink closer to Richter. Suddenly we hear a child crying. " it's not fair." she whines. " aw sweetheart, everyone wants to be liberty." a slightly older girl says to her. " or maybe she could be equality!" The eldest says " or fraternity" " you have to be a man to be a fraternity. It means brotherhood." Richter says as we pass by.  " sisternity then." The eldest, says flirtatiously. My skin crawls for a second. The middle girl approaches and hands, Richter a white sash " oh suits you" she says seductively, holding it up to his chest, my blood boils. " want to join us?" she says looking at me with a snotty look. " your festival or your revolution?" Richter asks with a smirk. "Both will need someone to fight for us and you look as if you have some fight in you." The eldest says, obviously trying to flirt with him. he frowns shoves the sash in his pocket, and walks away I follow him, and we walk shoulder to shoulder " maybe I'm tired of fighting." he says solemnly. We walk for a few more minutes and then we reach a pub and sit inside. The smell of food surrounds us in my stomach growls. Richter smirks at me " I'm hungry too." he practically reads my mind. Dropping some coins on the counter.  " how much for—" more than you got it looks like" the clerk rudely interrupts him. Richter looks at me with an apologetic look. " I could pay you back in vampire hunting.." he turns back to the clerk with a hopeful, crooked smile " if you could pay me in dishwashing, you'd have a deal." he responds. Richter looks down in size, putting his head on the counter. " but the man over there says, put it on his tab." The clerk says coming back with a plate of meat and sets it in front of Richter. " here you must be hungry." Richter says, smiling, handing me a piece of meat. Looking over his shoulder. " Hey Charlotte look over there. It's an old man.. I bet it's the guy who paid for our dinner." he says getting up. I follow him. We walk over to the elderly man and paused in front of his table " thanks for dinner" Richter says cheerfully " well you know what they say about a free dinner," the old man says with a smile  " do they say anything?" Richter says with a cute, awkward smile. " go back to where you came from and don't expect another one." The old man says taking a swig of his ale he adds " or maybe that's just me." " look I didn't ask for any favors." Richter says, getting slightly annoyed.
Suddenly the door slams open   Drunken, redheaded, vampire person, and shouts "where is the old man?" Sauntering in and smirking. " oh, fuck, another one." the clerk says hiding behind the counter. The redheaded, vampire smiles. " you swore the next time you saw my face in this village you would kill me," he scoffs " here's my face give it your best." he spits his challenge. Richter instinctually steps in front of me and prepares to draw his whip. However, he realizes he doesn't have it. Suddenly both of us are in shock we see the old man walk past majestically with the whip 

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