The Party at the Château/first meeting

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"my lady it's time to get ready" one of my maids walked into my room, waking me up for the evening "is the gala tonight?" I said half asleep. the maid patiently said " Yes, my lady that is tonight, let's get you ready." I got up and allowed her to brush my hair and style for the evening. Another lavish event funded by people that can't even afford to live themselves. What even is the point of money when your subjects are suffering? my thoughts were cut short by my older sister's serene voice, cutting through the air like a cold chill in the room "Ah Charlotte nice to see you're finally getting ready." She smiles softly. " Mira," "yes, my lady" the maid replies " my sister looks so beautiful in red. Please make sure she is dressed properly." She looks around the room and then swiftly exits. " are you OK my lady?" my maid asks seeing me visibly bothered. " Yes, I'm fine. I lied." I never really cared for the color of red and it was always reminded me of the pain and suffering of the people of this kingdom.. I sighed and got ready for the gala. At least my sister has a beautiful taste..

~2 hours later~

The smell of human blood, and the sound of soft classical violin music being played throughout the courtyard, was both sickening and beautiful at the same time. "Ahhh there she is, my little misfit." my sister giggled as she gracefully swept across the yard to grab my hand and bring me closer to her colleagues. " this is my younger sister Charlotte, she is beautiful as she is strange.." she says with a condescending smirk. "she is indeed a stellar beauty." a creepy old vampire said grinning. "E-excuse me." I curtsied and fled from the courtyard over towards wine cellar. "I've got to get out of here.." I thought to myself as I paced the courtyard. "Ah there you are my little beauty." a familiar, creepy voice leered from the shadows. "Oh h-hello um what do you want umm?" " Claudius." The old worm, said as he kissed my hand. I cringed away from his touch. " and it's you that I want my dear." he kissed my neck. " get the fuck off me you disgusting old slug!!" I yelled at him as I slashed at his face with my sharp nails stepping back, holding his face and howling in pain and rage, the old screamed "the crazy bitch ripped my face open!!" Looks of anger shock and disbelief swept across the crowd, as I had just assaulted a powerful and respected vampire aristocrat. Oh fuck. Before anything else could happen I fled.


Maria and I were traveling through the woods when suddenly we were attacked by these strange creatures that I've never seen before as I battled them I quickly realized they were gaining the upper hand suddenly the attacking creature was stabbed from behind screeching in pain the silver saber piercing its abdomen, it died, looking into my face. Hah stupid thing. I think the pair of travelers who introduced themselves as Annette and Edouard. " what are these ?" I asked " night creatures"Annette started. suddenly I sensed a foul presence I knew exactly what it was. "I know you're hiding there vampire." I said " stop lurking in the shadows, show yourself." I drew my whip. But to my surprise, the vampire came out with her hands up a terrified look in her eyes. Tch a scared vampire how unusual. "P-please don't kill me.. I honestly mean you no harm I'm traveling through here and I got lost.." she said in a shaky voice. " give me one good reason why I shouldn't cut you down right right now vampire." I growled drawing my sword and walking towards her. She looked more like a a terrified lamb feebly laying before a predator knowing it will be devoured, she sunk down fear filling her widening eyes. "I won't hurt you I swear! We will part ways, and you will never see me again!!" She choked out in a half whisper, tears falling from her eyes if she looked up at my blade. " you swear on the pain of death that you won't hurt me or my friends?" I said. " I promise on my immortal life." She whispered solemnly. "we'll see about that but I'll let you live for another day." I mutter. "Thank you ?" " Richter Belmont. that's Maria, Annette and Edouard. You?" " I am Charlotte. Oh and, thank you Richter. Thank you all of you." She says softly " it's almost day. I must bid y'all good night ." she looks toward a half fallen hollow tree. As she walked away I have a foreboding feeling that I might regret letting her live.

~mini time skip~

"Richter, are you sure we can trust her?" Maria whispered harshly to me. " no I'm not. But there's something unusual about her.. any other vampire would've killed us by now. I don't know if she's not a threat to us I don't feel right about killing her. It's not fair." Maria looked at me with understanding. For a few moments there was silence. "seems like we're gonna have to travel at night." Annette muttered. " seems so." I say back. For a few more minutes, more silence. I get up and start to walk through the woods, lost, in thought. Within the hour, the sun begins to set. I start to walk back to camp but then I see the sunset through the trees barely peeking over a small hill. I start to walk towards the hill and I see the sunset I get lost, in its breathtaking beauty. I think to myself, I don't realize that the stars have come out. I begin walking back towards the camp. I hear a scream. Oh God, them alone with the vampire.. I hope it's not attacking my friends.


As the sun set I woke up. I begin getting ready and brushing my hair. I don't have any clothes that aren't tattered and blood stain from fleeing the night before. * flashback* " get that wench!!! Claudius roar at the guards as they shot their arrows after me as I fled. "Fuck." an arrow gashed my side. " she's been hit. Shall we go after her?" no forget about her. She's probably dead by now No vampire can survive being staked even with an arrow." * end of flashback*
Shaking off the past nights events, I wrapped myself up and the biggest piece of fabric I could muster from my tattered dress, and walk towards a little springfed pond. I was lost in my memories as I felt the cool water over my skin. For a second, I closed my eyes feeling peaceful. All of a sudden a splash scared me to the point of where I screamed. "oh, it's just a little fox." Seeing that a young fox was hunting a fish. As I got out I felt the air rush over my nude body. A few minutes later, after a couple more moments of peace, I heard running footsteps. And then before I knew it, Richter was standing in front of me" where is the danger who got hu.." Richter look just as surprised as me"AHHHHHHHHHHHH DONT LOOK AT ME!!" I Yelp, as I covered myself "I'm sorry." Richter turned bright red, and turned around swiftly. I reached for the fabric and covered myself. "It's ok. I'm decent now." I chuckled. Richter remains silent looking down at the dirt. We both head back towards the camp in an awkward silence. When we got back, Maria asked " I heard screaming. Are you guys OK? " yeah we are." Richter responded. "where are your clothes?" Maria looked at me with her nose scrunched. " this is all that's left of them." I chuckle awkwardly. " Oh, well in that case I might have something you can wear. Although it might not fit you in the chest.." Maria jealously eyeing my chest. " thank you that would be lovely." I say truly grateful for her kind offer. Maria smiles slightly. "You know for a vampire you're not that bad." She says, we she walk away.

~mini time skip~
As I takeoff the fabric wrapped around my body " you're hurt." Maria said " Yeah it's probably not as bad as it looks." I cringe from the pain " let me help you with that." Maria performs healing magic feeling my flesh knit back together was surprisingly pleasant. "why are you doing this?" I asked " you're not like your typical colleagues Charlotte. If if it was anyone else, we would all be dead by now." a few moments of silence, Maria gets up and walks to her travel chest. She selects a blue outfit and hands it to me"go change" a few minutes later I walk out "Wow, you look really good in blue." Maria smiles. " thank you Maria I love it!" I smile, happy to be in more comfortable clothing! as we walk back, we chitchat about our lives and differences similarities. It seems almost as though we have forgotten. We are completely different species on completely different sides. I feel like she is my first friend. I will never let her down. As we approach the camp, Richter is there restlessly waiting for us. "We must move. There is a vampire Messiah." Oh Lord. I knew this was coming.. the vampire Messiah, the devourer of light the world as we know it will change..



" you vile shit eating pig you dare to defile my sister after all I have done for you?!" I yell at Claudius as he grovels at my feet " I'm sorry, my lady! I don't know what came over me! It will never happen again!! I swear!!!" he blubbers pathetically " oh, I know it won't" his flesh crackles as I pierce his heart with a stake. " because you won't be around to make it. Guards!! Find my sister I know she's still alive.."

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