Fueled by a surge of adrenaline and anger, Shalini fought back with all her strength, determined to break free from the clutches of her assailants. "Release me, or you'll face the consequences!" she warned, her voice laced with fury.

Meanwhile, Chandramukhi, returning to the scene with the car, was horrified to find Shalini missing. Panic gripped her heart as she frantically searched the area, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of her.

"Brother, did you see a lady standing here?" Chandramukhi inquired urgently, her voice trembling with fear.

"Yes, some people took her away," the man replied gravely, sending a chill down Chandramukhi's spine.

"What?!" Chandramukhi exclaimed in shock, her mind reeling with disbelief as the man hurried away.

Without wasting a moment, Chandramukhi dialed her phone, tears streaming down her cheeks as she relayed the news.
"Someone has taken away Shalini ji," she sobbed, the weight of the situation crashing down upon her.

As the call disconnected, Chandramukhi sank to the steps of the temple, her heart heavy with worry and uncertainty. In the darkness of the night, she was left alone with her fears, praying fervently for Shalini's safe return.

On the other hand, the mens whisked Shalini away to the same ominous location where they had once taken Kashi, a sense of grim irony hung heavy in the air.

"What a cruel twist of fate," one of the men remarked with a cruel chuckle, "That girl will meet her end in the very place where we orchestrated the demise of her dear friend."

Their laughter echoed eerily against the barren landscape, a stark reminder of the darkness that lurked within their hearts.

But Shalini, undeterred by the looming threat of her captors, remained defiant till the end.
"Don't even think about laying a finger on me," she retorted, her voice dripping with determination.

"Because look, your reckoning stands before you." As the men turned their gaze forward, their expressions twisted with surprise and apprehension. Two vehicles stood ominously in their path, their presence casting a shadow over the impending confrontation.

Suddenly, the tension was palpable as the driver slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a screeching halt. "Who is this?" the other man stammered, confusion clouding his features.

With a calm demeanor that belied the gravity of the situation, Shalini removed her hands from their grip.

"Duniya se jane ka time aa gya se choro," she declared boldly, her words carrying the weight of centuries of resilience and sarcasm.
(It's time to leave the world, boys)

"Your death is here." she added cryptically, her eyes flashing with a steely resolve. In that moment, Shalini stood as a beacon of unwavering courage, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead.

"In the area," the first man declared as he emerged from one of the vehicles, with Shalini being escorted out alongside him.

As the doors of the vehicles swung open, Rana stepped out of one, while Vijay emerged from the other, his demeanor radiating authority and resolve.

"Now, do we let her go peacefully or else?" Vijay asserted, his voice firm as he removed his glasses, his steely gaze fixed on her captors.

"Or else what?" a man challenged, stepping forward defiantly.

"Or else take a look around you, and you'll find out yourself," Vijay retorted, his presence commanding attention as he took a step closer.

"Release her, or face the consequences. She will come for you soon," Rana warned, brandishing his gun menacingly.

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