Chapter 1 - The future

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The Marauders were in their 7th year and it was coming to the end of the first term. Two weeks ago Lily finally said yes to going out with James and he has been in the Honeymoon phase ever since. Remus is finally seeing himself not as a monster and the Marauders and Lily have been with him every step of the way. As he slowly accepts this part of himself the transformations continue to become less painful. Sirius is still stuck in his playboy ways but not for the old reason for a new reason... to get his new crush out of his head, but it's not working he is only imagining them when he does anything with anyone else. Peter Pettigrew is yet to grow distant from his group and is yet to grow resentful towards them, the boys see him as their little brother whom they adore. Alice is sitting next to Lily while her boyfriend Frank Longbottom is next to her with his arm around her shoulders engaged in a conversation with Remus. Marlene is on the opposite Lily chatting away as James looks at her with a lovesick puppy face which makes Sirius poke Remus's side pointing at James before fake gagging. Remus and Frank who oversaw the interaction sniffle laughs at the Potter heir. 

On the other side of the hall at the Slytherin table, Regulus is sitting with Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier, Dorcas Meadows, and Pandora (whatever her last name is) looking at James and Lily with a slight whistful look that one could only see if you looked right in his eyes. Students head turn to the Great Halls doors where a large commotion and yelling can be heard before they burst open revealing, Fleamount and Euphemia Potter, Walburga and Orion Black, Ted and Andromeda Tonks with their little girl Nyphadora, Molly Nee Prewett and Arther Weasley with Billy and Charlie, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. Euphemia and Walburga were arguing as always when they were in the same room together while their husbands glared at each other holding identical letters in their hands. Everyone in the hall soon noticed they all had matching letters when a loud pop is rings out through the hall effectively silencing everyone. A large white screen appears on a wall showing a group of 10 people all wearing black cloaks covering their faces, the two main people in the front either have an arm around the person on their other side waist or an arm around their waist. 

"Oh! It's on!" one of the two people in the front squeals revealing she's a girl, "Hello wizard, witches, and arseholes who I don't count as people of 1977!" She says happily making the wizard beside her chuckle softly as we watch in awe when the hall starts getting surrounded by extra smaller tables and one in the middle with a projector on it,

"Isa! No! You're not supposed to say that!" The boy beside her scolds her almost brotherly, gently slapping her across the back of her head,

"I don't care! This was my idea!" The girls huff and him before turning back to students, former students, parents, and professors, "We are from the year 1998 and it sucks shit, there is a second Wizarding War, and so many innocent lives were taken, children became orphans at the end of both wars, and newsflash like most of your generation dies ." She says quickly and almost happily like she isn't explaining a war or telling people they die.

"That's it you're done!" Another girl huffs stepping in front of the original girl whom the whole hall is looking at horrified, 

"Tomorrow morning the Hall will be covered in beanbags and cushions, and the tables around the edge of the room will be full of snacks and drinks. We will be joining you in 1977 and watching 8 movies about the future," students turn to each other gaping shocked, and excited at the information before the second girl continues, "Any of the adults outside of Hogwarts who received a letter, this future is relevant to you... Also, the castle is on lockdown, no magic will work, no one can leave, and any of those who know of secret passages out of the castle are magically sealed at the moment." She explains, that no one notices the marauders looking horrified about being called out by these witches and wizards. The hall is pin-drop silent before Walburga starts yelling and screaming profanities making Hogwarts students and teachers send the black brothers looks of horror that they go home to that. The first girl shoves her way back to the front and the only thing we can see is her mischievous smirk before she talks again, 

"See you tomorrow and WALBURGA BLACK SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG! NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR YOU SCREAMING AND IF I HEAR IT IN THE PAST IMMA AVARDA VEDA-" The boy who once had an arm around her waist covers her mouth before releasing it letting her insult, "YOUR BITCH ARSE! Also, good night witches and wizards of the past, if anyone says shit about my friends I'm beating your arses when I get there! Maw love a few of you!" She says blowing a kiss at the screen before spinning around, the screen fading and turning blank a few seconds later. Dumbledore clears his throat standing up and raising his hands waiting for silence,

"Well it appears we have a few big days ahead of us," he starts an amused twinkle in his eyes, "Prefects lead your house to the common rooms, and guests Professor McGonagall while escort you to your own rooms," Students stand up following their prefects while McGonagall walks over to the group of confused and angry (Walburga) adults. Regulus leans over to Evan as they are walking to whisper something in his ear,

"Hogwarts is supposed to be safe... how isn't Dumbledore worried that they locked everyone in the school and magic doesn't work?" He murmurs making sure none of the other Slytherins they are around can hear,

"Because he's daft, we don't trust him, he doesn't trust us, we can only hope the time travels don't like him either," Evan responds just as quietly they both hold blank expressions while their eyes are swimming with worry, wondering what's to become of the wizarding world once everything is revealed.

A/N I had the whole storyline pop in my head while I was in the car...

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